Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:
Private Zachariah C. Neahr (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on January 16, 1865, at Fort Fisher, North Carolina. His citation reads:
Voluntarily advanced with the head of the column and cut down the palisading.
Private Solon D. Neal (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on July 12, 1870, at Wichita River, Texas. His citation reads:
Gallantry in action.
Private Adam Neder (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions during the Sioux Campaign. His citation reads:
Distinguished bravery.
Just wanted to swing by the
I’m just sayin… offices to wish my Dad a VERY HAP, HAP, HAPPY 71st BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! While his other son doesn’t care about such things, I happen to love my Dad and would never consider his birthday to be “just another day on the calendar” (That Sonny… so hateful). Anway, Happy Birthday Dad! We love you!
fyi... If you get an error message, hit refresh and try playing it again. If that doesn't work, imagine 3 kids and one dog singing Happy Birthday to their grandfather.
“This First Amendment is the Freedom of Speech… So whatcha sayin it didn’t include me?” – That, my friends comes from 2 Live Crew. The difference between them and what’s going on now is that their battle really was about the First Amendment. If my memory is correct (50/50 chance), Congress was looking into censoring music back then (not just Rap, but other types as well). That was a Freedom of Speech issue.
Getting suspended from a TV show is not a violation of the First Amendment (unless the government had something to do with it… but I don’t think that’s the case). Now, there are people who don’t like what Phil said and they think he (and the show) should be taken off the air. My guess (and this is just a guess) is that most of those people didn’t watch the show to begin with. What I would like to see is A&E let the people decide. If people are so offended, then they won’t watch. There’s a ton of options out there… It’s not like this is one of 3 shows on every night. My guess is the show would be fine.
What I would also like to see, is people to get tougher skin and stop being offended. How many people would have really seen this if it hadn’t been talked about on Facebook or reported on the news? I wouldn’t have. I mean, who reads GQ anymore anyways? Why let someone you don’t know who has no power over you offend you? And to those out there who are acting like what he said was so extreme… don’t kid yourselves. His views are probably more mainstream than you’d like to know (you don’t see Chick-fil-A’s closing left and right after the boycott they went through last year, do you?). I’m not even sure if I agree with his views or not because I’m not sure I’ve really heard what they are. I don’t trust articles written to sell magazines. You can edit an interview to make someone sound however you want them to sound.
I’m sure I’ll think of more to say on this subject… if I do, I’ll make sure I share it with you.