
If you do not know me (I mean, really know me) then there is something you need to understand before you read this blog: I value the truth above everything else... except a good laugh. A good laugh will almost always beat the truth as far as I’m concerned. Everything you read on this blog will be true, somewhat true, or something I made up in an effort to get a laugh. Sometimes I will go on a rant that I don’t really mean (or only kind of mean). Sometimes I will mean what I write only to completely change my mind a year, month, or day later. Such is life. By reading this blog you agree not to get offended by anything I write (or, at the very least, you agree not to tell me or anyone else that you are offended). It is worth noting that my employer does not endorse my blog (or even read it, to tell you the truth). The Wife also does not endorse my blog (though she will read it from time to time). I am not paid to write this... it’s just my way of giving back to the community. I have, and will, touch on a wide range of subjects and will give my opinion on these subjects. Again, most of what I say is for laughs but every now and then I will say what I really think and feel (see my views on Westboro Baptist Cult). How will you know when I’m serious and when I’m trying to get a laugh? You’ll know. And if you don’t know, well... maybe this isn’t the best thing for you to be reading. So, sit back, read and enjoy. Leave comments if you want and don’t be afraid to publicly follow me.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:

Private First Class Whitt L. Moreland (US Marine Corps) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 29, 1951, at Kwagch'i-Dong, Korea. His citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as an intelligence scout attached to Company C, in action against enemy aggressor forces. Voluntarily accompanying a rifle platoon in a daring assault against a strongly defended enemy hill position, Pfc. Moreland delivered accurate rifle fire on the hostile emplacement and thereby aided materially in seizing the objective. After the position had been secured, he unhesitatingly led a party forward to neutralize an enemy bunker which he had observed some 400 meters beyond, and moving boldly through a fire-swept area, Almost reached the hostile emplacement when the enemy launched a volley of handgrenades on his group. Quick to act despite the personal danger involved, he kicked several of the grenades off the ridge line where they exploded harmlessly and, while attempting to kick away another, slipped and fell near the deadly missile. Aware that the sputtering grenade would explode before he could regain his feet and dispose of it, he shouted a warning to his comrades, covered the missile with his body and absorbed the full blast ??of the explosion, but in saving his companions from possible injury or death, was mortally wounded. His heroic initiative and valiant spirit of self-sacrifice in the face of certain death reflect the highest credit upon Pfc. Moreland and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

Private Sterling Morelock (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on October 4, 1918, near Exermont, France. His citation reads:

While his company was being held up by heavy enemy fire, Pvt. Morelock, with 3 other men who were acting as runners at company headquarters, voluntarily led them as a patrol in advance of his company's frontline through an intense rifle, artillery, and machinegun fire and penetrated a woods which formed the German frontline. Encountering a series of 5 hostile machinegun nests, containing from 1 to 5 machineguns each, with his patrol he cleaned them all out, gained and held complete mastery of the situation until the arrival of his company commander with reinforcements, even though his entire party had become casualties. He rendered first aid to the injured and evacuated them by using stretcher bearers 10 German prisoners whom he had captured. Soon thereafter his company commander was wounded and while dressing his wound Pvt. Morelock was very severely wounded in the hip, which forced his evacuation. His heroic action and devotion to duty were an inspiration to the entire regiment.

Private Delano Morey (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 8, 1862, at McDowell, Virginia. His citation reads:

After the charge of the command had been repulsed, he rushed forward alone with an empty gun and captured two of the enemy's sharpshooters.

I just wanted to swing by the I’m just sayin… offices today to wish my Uncle Keith (or “Key-ith”, as MaMa called him) a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! I wanted to post a video of Maverick and The Kids singing to him, but Maverick was sick and not up to singing (and let’s face it, having The Kids sing without Maverick would be like having The News sing without Huey Lewis). Maybe we’ll be able to put a video together for next year. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE KEITH! We love you!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday Pics...

Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:

Corporal George Moquin (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions from September 29 to October 5, 1879, at Milk River, Colorado. His citation reads:

Gallantry in action.

Private John Moran (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on August 25, 1869, at Seneca Mountain, Arizona. His citation reads:

Gallantry in action.

Captain John E. Moran (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on September 17, 1900, near Mabitac, Laguna, Luzon, Philippine Islands. His citation reads:

After the attacking party had become demoralized, fearlessly led a small body of troops under a severe fire and through water waist deep in the attack against the enemy.

Picture Tuesday

I hope this isn't a preview of her college years...

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Proverbs 17:22

Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:

Seaman Philip Moore (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on September 21, 1880, on board the USS Trenton. His citation reads:

For jumping overboard from the U.S.S. Trenton, at Genoa, Italy, 21 September 1880, and rescuing from drowning Hans Paulsen, ordinary seaman.

Private Wilbur F. Moore (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on December 16, 1864, at Nashville, Tennessee. His citation reads:

Captured flag of a Confederate battery while far in advance of the Union lines.

Boatswain’s Mate William Moore (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on December 27, 1862, on board the U.S.S. Benton. His citation reads:

Serving as boatswain's mate on board the U.S.S. Benton during the attack on Haines Bluff, Yazoo River, 27 December 1862. Wounded during the hour and a half engagement in which the enemy had the dead range of the vessel and was punishing her with heavy fire, Moore served courageously in carrying lines to the shore until the Benton was ordered to withdraw.

The I’m just sayin… Proverb of the Week
Proverbs 17:22

A cheerful heart is good medicine,
      but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Did you see…

Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:

Boatswain’s Mate Francis Moore (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on January 23, 1882, on board the US Training Ship Portsmouth. His citation reads:

For jumping overboard from the U.S. Training Ship Portsmouth, at the Washington Navy Yard, 23 January 1882, and endeavoring to rescue Thomas Duncan, carpenter and calker, who had fallen overboard.

Seaman George Moore (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on December 30, 1862, on board the USS Rhode Island. His citation reads:

Served on board the U.S.S. Rhode Island which was engaged in saving the lives of the officers and crew of the Monitor, 30 December 1862. Participating in the hazardous task of rescuing the officers and crew of the sinking Monitor, Moore after rescuing several of the men, became separated in a heavy gale with other members of the cutter that had set out from the Rhode Island, and spent many hours in the small boat at the mercy of the weather and high seas until finally picked up by a schooner 50 miles east of Cape Hatteras.

Private George G. Moore (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on September 22, 1864, at Fishers Hill, Virginia. His citation reads:

Capture of flag.

As you know, one of my passions is Alzheimer’s Disease… and to a somewhat slightly lesser degree, heart disease and prostate cancer (one of which will probably be what gets me… unless laughing to death is a real thing). Anyway, just the other day I was watching a football game on TV and I saw the players wearing all of this pink stuff. I know this was for Breast Cancer Awareness and I think that’s a good thing. But, as I said to The Wife, why don’t the NFL and College football do something to raise awareness for other things? Then I heard about Bears Wide Receiver Brandon Marshall being fined by the NFL for wearing lime green cleats in a game. It seems lime green is the official color for mental health awareness. We at I’m just sayin… say here’s to you Mr. Marshall. It’s not uncommon to see or hear players promoting some product or some event… it’s nice to see a player use their fame to help a cause. I get that people can’t give money to everything they want (at least, I can’t). You have to make choices. But the NFL, College football and their main TV partners (like ESPN and FOX) are big enough that they can do more than they're doing. There are about four months in the football season (maybe more or less… I didn’t count), so why not have a cause for each month? ESPN has done a great thing over the years with the V Foundation (for cancer research), why not use their airways to bring awareness and support for other diseases? I know they can’t do everything, but what would it hurt to try? Good job, Brandon Marshall, for doing what you can.

Make sure you take a minute to visit The Brandon Marshall Foundation.

Flashback Friday

Most of these are going to be Halloween Pics... Here we see Jeremy (with me in the background). 

Me with Mary Ruth...

Daniel, Susie and Mary Ruth

Ok... this isn't a Halloween pic... but it makes me laugh every time I see it.  Susie trying to get one of my cookies...


Mary Ruth

Me... as a Russian Gorilla

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:

Landsman Charles Moore (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on December 25, 1863, on board the US Steam Gunboat Marblehead. His citation reads:

Serving on board the U.S. Steam Gunboat Marblehead off Legareville, Stono River, 25 December 1863, during an engagement with the enemy on John's Island. Wounded in the fierce battle, Moore returned to his quarters until so exhausted by loss of blood that he had to be taken below. This engagement resulted in the enemy's abandonment of his positions, leaving a caisson and one gun behind.

Seaman Charles Moore (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on June 19, 1864, on board the USS Kearsarge. His citation reads:

Served as seaman on board the U.S.S. Kearsarge when she destroyed the Alabama off Cherbourg, France, 19 June 1864. Acting as sponger and loader of the 1 l_inch pivot gun of the second division during this bitter engagement, Moore exhibited marked coolness and good conduct and was highly recommended for his gallantry under fire by the divisional officer.

Corporal Daniel B. Moore (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on April 9, 1865, at Fort Blakely, Alabama. His citation reads:

At the risk of his own life saved the life of an officer who had been shot down and overpowered by superior numbers.

Sorry for the title… I just wanted to waste a timeout for no f’ing reason like a guy in this state who makes a lot more money than I do (which is why he got to waste two timeouts… I just wasted one). I’m not one to question coaches… but WHY?! I just don’t get it…

In other news… I wonder if the players at the other big football school in this state are getting ready to play FSU this week, because it sure didn’t look like they spent any time last week getting ready. Maybe they were just looking ahead to Maryland…

Picture Tuesday

A little camping out time...

Remember what I said about Susie loving Ansley?  Look at how she's looking up at Ansley in this picture...

I forget when this was taken over the summer... but I trust Susie and Daniel had a good time

Susie and Mary Ruth at the beach...

Daniel was telling me what the pirate dog on his shirt says...

Sometimes we dog-sit for the in-laws... this is their dog Lady

And this big golden pile of crap is Scooby.  I try to love him, but he makes it hard... very, very hard.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Proverbs 23:24

Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:

Private Charles H. Montrose (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions from October 21, 1876 to January 8, 1877, at Cedar Creek, etc., Montana. His citation reads:

Gallantry in action.

Private Harold H. Moon, Jr. (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on October 21, 1944, at Pawig, Leyte, Philippine Islands. His citation reads:

He fought with conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity when powerful Japanese counterblows were being struck in a desperate effort to annihilate a newly won beachhead. In a forward position, armed with a submachinegun, he met the brunt of a strong, well-supported night attack which quickly enveloped his platoon's flanks. Many men in nearby positions were killed or injured, and Pvt. Moon was wounded as his foxhole became the immediate object of a concentration of mortar and machinegun fire. Nevertheless, he maintained his stand, poured deadly fire into the enemy, daringly exposed himself to hostile fire time after time to exhort and inspire what American troops were left in the immediate area. A Japanese officer, covered by machinegun fire and hidden by an embankment, attempted to knock out his position with grenades, but Pvt. Moon, after protracted and skillful maneuvering, killed him. When the enemy advanced a light machinegun to within 20 yards of the shattered perimeter and fired with telling effects on the remnants of the platoon, he stood up to locate the gun and remained exposed while calling back range corrections to friendly mortars which knocked out the weapon. A little later he killed 2 Japanese as they charged an aid man. By dawn his position, the focal point of the attack for more than 4 hours, was virtually surrounded. In a fanatical effort to reduce it and kill its defender, an entire platoon charged with fixed bayonets. Firing from a sitting position, Pvt. Moon calmly emptied his magazine into the advancing horde, killing 18 and repulsing the attack. In a final display of bravery, he stood up to throw a grenade at a machinegun which had opened fire on the right flank. He was hit and instantly killed, falling in the position from which he had not been driven by the fiercest enemy action. Nearly 200 dead Japanese were found within 100 yards of his foxhole. The continued tenacity, combat sagacity, and magnificent heroism with which Pvt. Moon fought on against overwhelming odds contributed in a large measure to breaking up a powerful enemy threat and did much to insure our initial successes during a most important operation.

Private Albert Moore (US Marine Corps) received his Medal of Honor for his actions from July 21 to August 17, 1900, at Peking, China. His citation reads:

In the presence of the enemy during the battle of Peking, China, 21 July to 17 August 1900. Although under a heavy fire from the enemy, Moore assisted in the erection of barricades.

The I’m just sayin… Proverb of the Week
Proverbs 23:24

The father of a righteous child has great joy;
      a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:

First Lieutenant Jack C. Montgomery (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on February 22, 1944, near, Padiglione, Italy. His citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty on 22 February 1944, near Padiglione, Italy. Two hours before daybreak a strong force of enemy infantry established themselves in 3 echelons at 50 yards, 100 yards, and 300 yards, respectively, in front of the rifle platoons commanded by 1st Lt. Montgomery. The closest position, consisting of 4 machineguns and 1 mortar, threatened the immediate security of the platoon position. Seizing an Ml rifle and several hand grenades, 1st Lt. Montgomery crawled up a ditch to within hand grenade range of the enemy. Then climbing boldly onto a little mound, he fired his rifle and threw his grenades so accurately that he killed 8 of the enemy and captured the remaining 4. Returning to his platoon, he called for artillery fire on a house, in and around which he suspected that the majority of the enemy had entrenched themselves. Arming himself with a carbine, he proceeded along the shallow ditch, as withering fire from the riflemen and machinegunners in the second position was concentrated on him. He attacked this position with such fury that 7 of the enemy surrendered to him, and both machineguns were silenced. Three German dead were found in the vicinity later that morning. 1st Lt. Montgomery continued boldly toward the house, 300 yards from his platoon position. It was now daylight, and the enemy observation was excellent across the flat open terrain which led to 1st Lt. Montgomery's objective. When the artillery barrage had lifted, 1st Lt. Montgomery ran fearlessly toward the strongly defended position. As the enemy started streaming out of the house, 1st Lt. Montgomery, unafraid of treacherous snipers, exposed himself daringly to assemble the surrendering enemy and send them to the rear. His fearless, aggressive, and intrepid actions that morning, accounted for a total of 11 enemy dead, 32 prisoners, and an unknown number of wounded. That night, while aiding an adjacent unit to repulse a counterattack, he was struck by mortar fragments and seriously wounded. The selflessness and courage exhibited by 1st Lt. Montgomery in alone attacking 3 strong enemy positions inspired his men to a degree beyond estimation.

Captain of the Afterguard Robert Montgomery (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on December 23, 1864, on board the U.S.S. Agawam. His citation reads:

Montgomery served on board the U.S.S. Agawam, as one of a volunteer crew of a powder boat which was exploded near Fort Fisher, 23 December 1864. The powder boat, towed in by the Wilderness to prevent detection by the enemy, cast off and slowly steamed to within 300 yards of the beach. After fuses and fires had been lit and a second anchor with short scope let go to assure the boat's tailing inshore, the crew again boarded the Wilderness and proceeded a distance of 12 miles from shore. Less than 2 hours later the explosion took place, and the following day fires were observed still burning at the forts.

Sergeant First Class Jared C. Monti (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on June 21, 2006, in Nuristan Province, Afghanistan. His citation reads:

Staff Sergeant Jared C. Monti distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a team leader with Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 3d Squadron, 71st Cavalry Regiment, 3d Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, in connection with combat operations against an armed enemy in Nuristan Province, Afghanistan, on June 21, 2006. While Staff Sergeant Monti was leading a mission aimed at gathering intelligence and directing fire against the enemy, his 16-man patrol was attacked by as many as 50 enemy fighters. On the verge of being overrun, Staff Sergeant Monti quickly directed his men to set up a defensive position behind a rock formation. He then called for indirect fire support, accurately targeting the rounds upon the enemy who had closed to within 50 meters of his position. While still directing fire, Staff Sergeant Monti personally engaged the enemy with his rifle and a grenade, successfully disrupting an attempt to flank his patrol. Staff Sergeant Monti then realized that one of his Soldiers was lying wounded in the open ground between the advancing enemy and the patrol’s position. With complete disregard for his own safety, Staff Sergeant Monti twice attempted to move from behind the cover of the rocks into the face of relentless enemy fire to rescue his fallen comrade. Determined not to leave his Soldier, Staff Sergeant Monti made a third attempt to cross open terrain through intense enemy fire. On this final attempt, he was mortally wounded, sacrificing his own life in an effort to save his fellow Soldier. Staff Sergeant Monti’s selfless acts of heroism inspired his patrol to fight off the larger enemy force. Staff Sergeant Monti’s immeasurable courage and uncommon valor are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 3rd Squadron, 71st Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, and the United States Army.

Happy 4th Birthday to my sweet little Susie Grace!!!! We love her very much and hope she has a great day (so great that she goes to bed early and stays in her bed all night). I don’t always do this, but I’m going to tell you 4 things about Susie.

1. We call her “Sarge” because she’s our little Drill Sergeant always telling her brother and sister what to do.

2. I missed a big conference that was held a couple of weeks before she was born because The Wife swore Susie was due “any day now”. Because I missed the conference, I missed my chance at becoming good friends with Andy Stanley. But hey, I’ve let it go…

3. Sonny worked hard with Susie the Christmas before Daniel was born trying to teach her how to walk. I don’t think she started walking until right before Daniel was born, but I’m sure Sonny’s work laid a firm foundation.

4. She loves (LOVES!) her cousin Ansley more than any other person in the world. I mean ANY other person. She is happiest when she is with “her” Ansley.

I know this is Flashback Friday… but it’s also my blog and changes will sometimes happen. So today we’ll look at my 4 favorite pictures of Susie…

Susie’s Birthday Friday

Susie fixing Mary Ruth's hair

This is what she wanted to wear to day care when she was 2... she loved that plastic glove

Daniel and Susie in my spot of the bed one morning this week... It's a miracle I don't crush them when I sleep

Susie after her haircut this past Tuesday... she loved how her hair looked

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pouting Daniel....

Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:

Chief Gunner’s Mate Mons Monssen (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on April 13, 1904, on board the U.S.S. Missouri. His citation reads:

Serving on board the U.S.S. Missouri, for extraordinary heroism in entering a burning magazine through the scuttle and endeavoring to extinguish the fire by throwing water with his hands until a hose was passed to him, 13 April 1904.

Chief Master-at-Arms Daniel Montague (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on June 2, 1898, in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba. His citation reads:

In connection with the sinking of the U.S.S. Merrimac at the entrance to the harbor of Santiago de Cuba, 2 June 1898. Despite heavy fire from the Spanish batteries, Montague displayed extraordinary heroism throughout this operation.

First Lieutenant Jimmie W. Monteith, Jr. (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on June 6, 1944, near Colleville-sur-Mer, France. His citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty on 6 June 1944, near Colleville-sur-Mer, France. 1st Lt. Monteith landed with the initial assault waves on the coast of France under heavy enemy fire. Without regard to his own personal safety he continually moved up and down the beach reorganizing men for further assault. He then led the assault over a narrow protective ledge and across the flat, exposed terrain to the comparative safety of a cliff. Retracing his steps across the field to the beach, he moved over to where 2 tanks were buttoned up and blind under violent enemy artillery and machinegun fire. Completely exposed to the intense fire, 1st Lt. Monteith led the tanks on foot through a minefield and into firing positions. Under his direction several enemy positions were destroyed. He then rejoined his company and under his leadership his men captured an advantageous position on the hill. Supervising the defense of his newly won position against repeated vicious counterattacks, he continued to ignore his own personal safety, repeatedly crossing the 200 or 300 yards of open terrain under heavy fire to strengthen links in his defensive chain. When the enemy succeeded in completely surrounding 1st Lt. Monteith and his unit and while leading the fight out of the situation, 1st Lt. Monteith was killed by enemy fire. The courage, gallantry, and intrepid leadership displayed by 1st Lt. Monteith is worthy of emulation.

The Federal government might be shut down, but nothing can stop me (except a bad internet connection). We’ve got a lot of pictures today, so I won’t bother you with words from me. Maybe one day I’ll have time to give you some words of wisdom that you usually come here for… but until then, let’s get to the pictures.

If you are looking for a little something to read, head on over to Sonny’Side to check out Sonny’s sermons from this month.

Picture Tuesday

If you're like me, you'll take one look at these pictures of Daniel pouting in the park and think "That looks like The Wife!!!"

These next pictures are from a few Saturdays ago... Daniel, Mary Ruth, Susie and The Wife washed the van while I watched college football.  And yet there are some out in this world who still don't believe in miracles...


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Proverbs 24:29

Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:

Private First Class Walter C. Monegan, Jr. (US Marine Corps) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on September 17 and 20, 1950, near Sosa-ri, Korea. His citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a rocket gunner attached to Company F, and in action against enemy aggressor forces. Dug in on a hill overlooking the main Seoul highway when 6 enemy tanks threatened to break through the battalion position during a predawn attack on 17 September, Pfc. Monegan promptly moved forward with his bazooka, under heavy hostile automatic weapons fre and engaged the lead tank at a range of less than 50 yards. After scoring a direct hit and killing the sole surviving tankman with his carbine as he came through the escape hatch, he boldly fired 2 more rounds of ammunition at the oncoming tanks, disorganizing the attack and enabling our tank crews to continue blasting with their 90-mm guns. With his own and an adjacent company's position threatened by annihilation when an overwhelming enemy tank-infantry force bypassed the area and proceeded toward the battalion command post during the early morning of September 20, he seized his rocket launcher and, in total darkness, charged down the slope of the hill where the tanks had broken through. Quick to act when an illuminating shell lit the area, he scored a direct hit on one of the tanks as hostile rifle and automatic-weapons fire raked the area at close range. Again exposing himself, he fired another round to destroy a second tank and, as the rear tank turned to retreat, stood upright to fire and was fatally struck down by hostile machine gun fire when another illuminating shell silhouetted him against the sky. Pfc. Monegan's daring initiative, gallant fighting spirit and courageous devotion to duty were contributing factors in the success of his company in repelling the enemy, and his self-sacrificing efforts throughout sustain and enhance the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

Private First Class James H. Monroe (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on February 16, 1967, at Bong Son, Hoai Nhon Province, Republic of Vietnam. His citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. His platoon was deployed in a night ambush when the position was suddenly subjected to an intense and accurate grenade attack, and 1 foxhole was hit immediately. Responding without hesitation to the calls for help from the wounded men Pfc. Monroe moved forward through heavy small-arms fire to the foxhole but found that all of the men had expired. He turned immediately and crawled back through the deadly hail of fire toward other calls for aid. He moved to the platoon sergeant's position where he found the radio operator bleeding profusely from fragmentation and bullet wounds. Ignoring the continuing enemy attack, Pfc. Monroe began treating the wounded man when he saw a live grenade fall directly in front of the position. He shouted a warning to all those nearby, pushed the wounded radio operator and the platoon sergeant to one side, and lunged forward to smother the grenade's blast with his body. Through his valorous actions, performed in a flash of inspired selflessness, Pfc. Monroe saved the lives of 2 of his comrades and prevented the probable injury of several others. His gallantry and intrepidity were in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army, and reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of his country.

Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on September 29, 2006, at Ar Ramadi, Iraq. His citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as automatic weapons gunner for Naval Special Warfare Task Group Arabian Peninsula, in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM on 29 September 2006. As a member of a combined SEAL and Iraqi Army Sniper Overwatch Element, tasked with providing early warning and stand-off protection from a rooftop in an insurgent held sector of Ar Ramadi, Iraq, Petty Officer Monsoor distinguished himself by his exceptional bravery in the face of grave danger. In the early morning, insurgents prepared to execute a coordinated attack by reconnoitering the area around the elements position. Element snipers thwarted the enemy’s initial attempt by eliminating two insurgents. The enemy continued to assault the element, engaging them with a rocket-propelled grenade and small arms fire. As enemy activity increased, Petty Officer Monsoor took position with his machine gun between two teammates on an outcropping of the roof. While the SEALs vigilantly watched for enemy activity, an insurgent threw a hand grenade from an unseen location, which bounced off Petty Officer Monsoor’s chest and landed in front of him. Although only he could have escaped the blast, Petty Officer Monsoor chose instead to protect his teammates. Instantly and without regard for his own safety, he threw himself onto the grenade to absorb the force of the explosion with his body, saving the lives of his two teammates. By his undaunted courage, fighting spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of certain death, Petty Officer Monsoor gallantly gave his life for his country, thereby reflecting great credit upon himself and upholding the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

The I’m just sayin… Proverb of the Week
Proverbs 24:29

Do not say, “I’ll do to them as they have done to me;
        I’ll pay them back for what they did.”

Friday, October 11, 2013


Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:

Ordinary Seaman Hugh Molloy (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on March 2, 1864, on board the U.S.S. Fort Hindman. His citation reads:

Served on board the U.S.S. Fort Hindman during the engagement near Harrisonburg, La., 2 March 1864. Following a shellburst which mortally wounded the first sponger, who dropped the sponge out of the forecastle port, Molloy jumped out of the port to the forecastle, recovered the sponge and sponged and loaded the gun for the remainder of the action from his exposed position, despite the extreme danger to his person from the raking fire of enemy musketry.

Staff Sergeant Frankie Zoly Molnar (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 20, 1967, at Kontum Province, Republic of Vietnam. His citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. S/Sgt. Molnar distinguished himself while serving as a squad leader with Company B, during combat operations. Shortly after the battalion's defensive perimeter was established, it was hit by intense mortar fire as the prelude to a massive enemy night attack. S/Sgt. Molnar immediately left his sheltered location to insure the readiness of his squad to meet the attack. As he crawled through the position, he discovered a group of enemy soldiers closing in on his squad area. His accurate rifle fire killed 5 of the enemy and forced the remainder to flee. When the mortar fire stopped, the enemy attacked in a human wave supported by grenades, rockets, automatic weapons, and small-arms fire. After assisting to repel the first enemy assault, S/Sgt. Molnar found that his squad's ammunition and grenade supply was nearly expended. Again leaving the relative safety of his position, he crawled through intense enemy fire to secure additional ammunition and distribute it to his squad. He rejoined his men to beat back the renewed enemy onslaught, and he moved about his area providing medical aid and assisting in the evacuation of the wounded. With the help of several men, he was preparing to move a severely wounded soldier when an enemy hand grenade was thrown into the group. The first to see the grenade, S/Sgt. Molnar threw himself on it and absorbed the deadly blast to save his comrades. His demonstrated selflessness and inspirational leadership on the battlefield were a major factor in the successful defense of the American position and are in keeping with the finest traditions of the U.S. Army. S/Sgt. Molnar's actions reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army.

Corporal Patrick Monaghan (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on June 17, 1864, at Petersburg, Virginia. His citation reads:

Recapture of colors of 7th New York Heavy Artillery.

Today I’d like to wish my Labor Day Cousin Jane a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! We hope she has a GREAT day! If anything comes up at work, just say, “I’ll get to it Monday. Today is my birthday”. Come to think of it, I might do that. If my boss asks me to do something, I’ll just say, “I’ll get to it Monday. Today is Jane’s birthday”.

I see that the Yankee’s have signed Joe Girardi to a 4 year contract. One name I have seen thrown around that I find interesting is that of former Charleston Rainbow Sandy Alomar, Jr. I wouldn’t be against giving him an interview (and possibly a job).

Good luck to the Tigers and Revolutionary War Heroes in their games this Saturday. I know we haven’t talked much about them this season, but so far so good for both teams.

We are trying hard to secure a deal to post some pictures of the new Wright babies but so far we have been unable to nail down the details. I asked our Favorite Nurse Jen to send a baby pic, but all she sent was a picture of Danny (yes, that Danny).

Flashback Friday



Granny, Leah and MaMa


Mary Ruth


Leah oops... sorry for the typo. I know this is Mary Ruth (I'd know that bear anywhere).

Allison and Leah

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:

Commander William A. Moffett (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on April 21-22, 1914, during the engagements of Vera Cruz. His citation reads:

For distinguished conduct in battle, engagements of Vera Cruz, 21 and 22 April 1914. Comdr. Moffett brought his ship into the inner harbor during the nights of the 21st and 22d without the assistance of a pilot or navigational lights, and was in a position on the morning of the 22d to use his guns at a critical time with telling effect. His skill in mooring his ship at night was especially noticeable. He placed her nearest to the enemy and did most of the firing and received most of the hits.

Corporal John H. Moffitt (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on June 27, 1862, at Gaines Mill, Virginia. His citation reads:

Voluntarily took up the regimental colors after several color bearers had been shot down and carried them until himself wounded.

Sergeant Archibald Molbone (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Virginia. His citation reads:

Was one of a detachment of 20 picked artillerymen who voluntarily accompanied an infantry assaulting party and who turned upon the enemy the guns captured in the assault.

I just wanted to swing by the I’m just sayin… office today to wish my cousin Louis a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! We hope he has a great day!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Big Day…

Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:

Corporal Hiroshi H. Miyamura (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on April 24-25, 1951, near Taejon-ni, Korea. His citation reads:

Cpl. Miyamura, a member of Company H, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. On the night of 24 April, Company H was occupying a defensive position when the enemy fanatically attacked threatening to overrun the position. Cpl. Miyamura, a machine gun squad leader, aware of the imminent danger to his men unhesitatingly jumped from his shelter wielding his bayonet in close hand-to-hand combat killing approximately 10 of the enemy. Returning to his position, he administered first aid to the wounded and directed their evacuation. As another savage assault hit the line, he manned his machine gun and delivered withering fire until his ammunition was expended. He ordered the squad to withdraw while he stayed behind to render the gun inoperative. He then bayoneted his way through infiltrated enemy soldiers to a second gun emplacement and assisted in its operation. When the intensity of the attack necessitated the withdrawal of the company Cpl. Miyamura ordered his men to fall back while he remained to cover their movement. He killed more than 50 of the enemy before his ammunition was depleted and he was severely wounded. He maintained his magnificent stand despite his painful wounds, continuing to repel the attack until his position was overrun. When last seen he was fighting ferociously against an overwhelming number of enemy soldiers. Cpl. Miyamura's indomitable heroism and consummate devotion to duty reflect the utmost glory on himself and uphold the illustrious traditions on the military service.

Corporal Ola L. Mize (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on June 10-11, 1953, near Surang-ni, Korea. His citation reads:

M/Sgt. Mize, a member of Company K, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and outstanding courage above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. Company K was committed to the defense of "Outpost Harry", a strategically valuable position, when the enemy launched a heavy attack. Learning that a comrade on a friendly listening post had been wounded he moved through the intense barrage, accompanied by a medical aid man, and rescued the wounded soldier. On returning to the main position he established an effective defense system and inflicted heavy casualties against attacks from determined enemy assault forces which had penetrated into trenches within the outpost area. During his fearless actions he was blown down by artillery and grenade blasts 3 times but each time he dauntlessly returned to his position, tenaciously fighting and successfully repelling hostile attacks. When enemy onslaughts ceased he took his few men and moved from bunker to bunker, firing through apertures and throwing grenades at the foe, neutralizing their positions. When an enemy soldier stepped out behind a comrade, prepared to fire, M/Sgt. Mize killed him, saving the life of his fellow soldier. After rejoining the platoon, moving from man to man, distributing ammunition, and shouting words of encouragement he observed a friendly machine gun position overrun. He immediately fought his way to the position, killing 10 of the enemy and dispersing the remainder. Fighting back to the command post, and finding several friendly wounded there, he took a position to protect them. Later, securing a radio, he directed friendly artillery fire upon the attacking enemy's routes of approach. At dawn he helped regroup for a counterattack which successfully drove the enemy from the outpost. M/Sgt. Mize's valorous conduct and unflinching courage reflect lasting glory upon himself and uphold the noble traditions of the military service.

Captain Robert J. Modrzejewski (US Marine Corps) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on July 15-18, 1966, in theRepublic of Vietnam. His citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. On 15 July, during Operation HASTINGS, Company K was landed in an enemy-infested jungle area to establish a blocking position at a major enemy trail network. Shortly after landing, the company encountered a reinforced enemy platoon in a well-organized, defensive position. Maj. Modrzejewski led his men in the successful seizure of the enemy redoubt, which contained large quantities of ammunition and supplies. That evening, a numerically superior enemy force counterattacked in an effort to retake the vital supply area, thus setting the pattern of activity for the next 2 1/2 days. In the first series of attacks, the enemy assaulted repeatedly in overwhelming numbers but each time was repulsed by the gallant marines. The second night, the enemy struck in battalion strength, and Maj. Modrzejewski was wounded in this intensive action which was fought at close quarters. Although exposed to enemy fire, and despite his painful wounds, he crawled 200 meters to provide critically needed ammunition to an exposed element of his command and was constantly present wherever the fighting was heaviest, despite numerous casualties, a dwindling supply of ammunition and the knowledge that they were surrounded, he skillfully directed artillery fire to within a few meter* of his position and courageously inspired the efforts of his company in repelling the aggressive enemy attack. On 18 July, Company K was attacked by a regimental-size enemy force. Although his unit was vastly outnumbered and weakened by the previous fighting, Maj. Modrzejewski reorganized his men and calmly moved among them to encourage and direct their efforts to heroic limits as they fought to overcome the vicious enemy onslaught. Again he called in air and artillery strikes at close range with devastating effect on the enemy, which together with the bold and determined fighting of the men of Company K, repulsed the fanatical attack of the larger North Vietnamese force. His unparalleled personal heroism and indomitable leadership inspired his men to a significant victory over the enemy force and reflected great credit upon himself, the Marine Corps, and the U.S. Naval Service.

Prayers for I’m just sayin… fans Danny (yes, that Danny) and our Favorite Nurse Jen as they welcome their twin girls today. We hope all goes well.

Picture Tuesday

Today we're going to look at some pics I took at the Hootie & The Blowfish concert this year.

View from my seat

My good friend Darius (my words, not his) on the big screen at the concert