
If you do not know me (I mean, really know me) then there is something you need to understand before you read this blog: I value the truth above everything else... except a good laugh. A good laugh will almost always beat the truth as far as I’m concerned. Everything you read on this blog will be true, somewhat true, or something I made up in an effort to get a laugh. Sometimes I will go on a rant that I don’t really mean (or only kind of mean). Sometimes I will mean what I write only to completely change my mind a year, month, or day later. Such is life. By reading this blog you agree not to get offended by anything I write (or, at the very least, you agree not to tell me or anyone else that you are offended). It is worth noting that my employer does not endorse my blog (or even read it, to tell you the truth). The Wife also does not endorse my blog (though she will read it from time to time). I am not paid to write this... it’s just my way of giving back to the community. I have, and will, touch on a wide range of subjects and will give my opinion on these subjects. Again, most of what I say is for laughs but every now and then I will say what I really think and feel (see my views on Westboro Baptist Cult). How will you know when I’m serious and when I’m trying to get a laugh? You’ll know. And if you don’t know, well... maybe this isn’t the best thing for you to be reading. So, sit back, read and enjoy. Leave comments if you want and don’t be afraid to publicly follow me.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I must be getting old. I’m only 30, but I’ve started feeling old lately. It’s not my health or anything like that. It’s other stuff. Who said working with kids keeps you young? I work mainly with juniors and seniors at BUMC. I’m not 100% on birthdays for these kids yet, but let’s say the juniors are 17 and the seniors are 18. That means the seniors were born in 1991 and the juniors were born in 1992. I have vivid memories of things that happened before these kids were even born (The Challenger, Hugo, Berlin Wall, the first Gulf War, Clemson’s last ACC Championship...).

Another thing making me feel old is the famous people who have died recently. These are people that I “knew”. I saw them in the news or on TV or in the movies. These aren’t just people that I’ve heard about. And it seems like they’re dropping like flies lately. Just to name a few of the famous people who have died this year:

Mary (of Peter, Paul and Mary)
Myles Brand
Patrick Swayze
Ted Kennedy
Eunice Kennedy Shriver
Robert McNamara
Ed McMahon
Michael Jackson
Farrah Fawcett
Bea Arthur

I know I’m leaving some out, but those were the ones that popped in my head first. Ok, enough of this old talk. It could be worse...

***Oh, just to update something from my first post… I’ve seen Patrick Swayze on the cover of most magazines. I also saw a few of his movies on TV over the weekend. Still not like was done for Michael Jackson, but nice anyway. I guess this just shows how powerful my blog has been since day 1.***

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