Does a ‘preview service’ count like a regular service?
If I attend said ‘preview service’, can I just give a ‘preview offering’?
I don’t think my church should ask me to give money until they at least try one of my fundraising ideas. Seriously, selling PSLs would bring in a ton of money.
Did Paul ever take vacations? Is that how he found Corinth?
I think church services should include a Q & A with the pastor after the sermon.
It cracks me up how people put preachers on such high pedestals that it’s almost like they aren’t human. Why is that? The disciples (who were taught and trained by Jesus) weren’t perfect… so why expect preachers to be perfect? Even I’m not… well; let’s just agree to agree that preachers aren’t perfect.
If an imperfect preacher makes you question your faith, perhaps your faith is misplaced (your faith should be in Jesus, not people). Just a thought…
If King Solomon was so smart, how did he end up with 700 wives?
He also had 300 concubines… maybe Gov. Sanford should have brought that up in his press conference. Kind of makes one woman on the side not look so bad.
Is a preacher’s pay based on how long he/she prays? Really, I’ve heard some last so long that I actually started praying that they would end. (Is that bad that I do that?). I think preachers should take a look at Matthew 6:7 before they get up to pray.
I think a church should celebrate after a baptism like a football team does after a TD (with a fight song being played and everything).
Why do churches call trips ‘retreats’? We are in a war between good and evil. Since God is on our side, I see no reason to retreat. I say we call them attacks (or just trips… but I like attacks). After all, the song says Onward Christian Soldier… not Retreat Christian Soldier. Think about that…
Do you think the disciples made fun of each other (like the friends that I have do)?
Did Jesus ever get frustrated with them? (Romans come to arrest Jesus. Peter cuts off a guy’s ear. Jesus: “Really? Are you kidding me right now? Honestly Pete… have you heard anything I’ve been telling you? Come on dude, you’re better than that”).
Maybe there is a preacher out there somewhere who will be able to answer these questions and implement these ideas….
Recap: WU @ High Point
1 day ago
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