I don’t intend for this to be a once a week blog... it’s just worked out that way the past few weeks.
The Wife and I decided to join Netflix last week, so maybe we can start to catch up on our movie watching. Now I just need to remember what movies I wanted to see in the theatre but never did. The first movie we got and watched from Netflix is The Social Network. We both thought it was very good. Well worth watching. I think the movie we have at home now is Couples Retreat. One thing we have noticed is that it is interesting to see what kind of movies you’re willing to watch when cost (for all intents and purposes) is no longer an issue. You find yourself willing to put ______ movie on the list and give it a shot because, why not... you’re paying the monthly fee anyway.
It has been an interesting week. Just to recap:
My Labor Day 2nd cousin Bliss was admitted to the PICU with RSV (she and her family do not live in this area, so sadly she is not at the Children’s Hospital I recommend for all of my children and godchildren. She is, I’m sure, at a very capable hospital in the area where she lives). She is also profoundly deaf in both ears. So add her to your prayer list. Pray that God is with Greg’s Labor Day 2nd cousin Bliss... he’ll know what you mean.
My brother in law (not that one, the other one) was in a wreck which earned him an all expenses paid (by him and his insurance) trip to the hospital (not the one I have an issue with... a different one). I have to admit I’m not sure about all of his injuries because The Wife was telling me about all of them and honestly, my attention span just isn’t that long. And to be fair, even if I was the one in the hospital I really doubt I’d be able to remember all of my injuries. True story, The Wife goes with me to the doctor because if I go alone I won’t tell her everything the doctor said because I can’t remember all of it. I remember the big things (Will I or won’t I live?... Do I have to stay away from the kids?... When can I go back to work?... What do I need to do to get better?). But I don’t remember the little things like what it is that is wrong. Anyway, he got banged up pretty bad. Part of this may be because he is what we in the business call “small”. Not small height wise, but Men’s size small t-shirt small. I know what you’re thinking (because I thought it to)... but yes, they really do make and sell Men’s size small t-shirts. So let this be yet another lesson to all of you “healthy” people out there. He also had some jaw/teeth issues and had to have surgery yesterday. As far as I know, everything is ok. I haven’t been to see him yet because (for some strange reason) The Wife is scared that I will make fun of him and she doesn’t feel like this is the time for that. But I like Michael (he’s my favorite brother that The Wife has) so I’ll ask that you pray for him. Pray that he heals and that next time he remembers the seat belt only works if you use it.
Congrats to the James Island baseball team which has gotten off to a fast start to this season with a record of 5-1. The Trojans play Ft. Dorchester tonight. MR and I thought about going to it but have decided not to. We need a little more time to plan something like this and I found out too late about the game.
Got to see a Stingrays game Wednesday night with Jeremy, Danny and Michael (my banker, not my brother in law). It was a lot of fun. I think Danny was a little disappointed that he and Michael didn’t get on the Kiss Cam, but it was still fun.
Went golfing yesterday with Jeremy and Ross. We played in the Bill Williams Golf Tournament (it’s a fundraiser to raise money for the American Legion Post 147 Baseball program). We lost. I can’t say for sure, but I’m 99.9% sure that we came in dead last. But we had fun. We shot a 76 which isn’t great for a Captain’s Choice tournament but is still fun when you consider Jeremy and I usually shoot in the 110 range and Ross ain’t exactly Tiger Woods in his prime. The best part about the day wasn’t even the golf. Anyone who has organized one of these tournaments knows the real money is made not off of the teams but off of the Hole Sponsors. People go around and ask businesses to pay X amount of dollars (in this case, $100) to be a Hole Sponsor and have a sign with their company name on it put by either the tee box or the green. Well I hate going out and doing that kind of thing (asking the businesses for this), so I decided I would help out by being a Hole Sponsor. So the question was... what do I put on the sign? I came up with a bunch of different ideas that could really lead to some great things within the community... really raise awareness for different issues. But then I came up with an idea that was so great that I couldn’t fill out the form and write the check fast enough. I’m not sure how to get the picture of my sign from my phone to this blog, so I will just have to tell you about it. The sign has this:
This Hole Sponsored By
State Championships
Sonny – 0
Greg – 2
*Note: The sign had the name that our parents gave Sonny when he was born, but I knew if I put that on here you wouldn’t know who I was talking about. ;)
After the tournament, there were two signs that were being talked about. One was the sign in memory of Mr. Williams (who the tournament is named after and who died not too long ago) and the other... you guessed it... the other was the State Championships sign. I am not kidding when I tell you this might have been the best $100 I ever spent. And the best news is since neither of us is playing anymore, I can just use this same sign every year. It’s like the gift (to me) that keeps on giving (to me).
I am missing a work weekend at The Lake House this weekend and I’m a little sad about it. I enjoy these weekends because they usually provide me with some good material for my blog. The Official reason I am not able to make it is that The Wife is far enough along that she could go into labor at any moment and so it’s not a good idea for me to be 3 ½ hours away. The Unofficial (i.e. real) reason I am not able to make it is that my godson Lucas is being baptized at the 8:45am service this Sunday and I’m not about to miss that. So, the work must go on without me. Word is that No Name Teri (and her family) is going to be there. I trust they will keep my brother-in-law Brent away from any jobs that require cutting. I’m guessing Sonny will also be there (though I have not received conformation on this). I’m sure various cousins will also be there to help. I hope they are able to get everything done that they want to get done. And I hope Brent keeps all of his fingers.
Oh, speaking of The Wife giving birth, we now know Daniel will be here on March 28 at the latest. If he isn’t here by then, they are going to induce labor. I need to double check, but I think this will make us the Providence Record Holder of “You know where babies come from, right?” (a title currently held by our friends KC and LA over at Our Life). This title goes to the parents in our Sunday School class who have 2 children the closest in age. It looks like the gap between Susie and Daniel will be closer than the gap between Aubrey and Wyatt.
I have some other things I wanted to talk about today, but I have to get ready for MR and Daddy Camp Out In the Den Night (also known to some in my house as Scooby Get’s To Sleep In Daddy’s Bed Night).
Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:
Major Richard I. Bong (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions from October 10 – November 15, 1944 over Borneo and Leyte. His citation reads:
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action above and beyond the call of duty in the Southwest Pacific area from 10 October to 15 November 1944. Though assigned to duty as gunnery instructor and neither required nor expected to perform combat duty, Maj. Bong voluntarily and at his own urgent request engaged in repeated combat missions, including unusually hazardous sorties over Balikpapan, Borneo, and in the Leyte area of the Philippines. His aggressiveness and daring resulted in his shooting down 8 enemy airplanes during this period.
First Lieutenant Sylvester Bonnaffon, Jr. (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on October 27, 1864 at Boydton Plank Road, Virginia. His citation reads:
Checked the rout and rallied the troops of his command in the face of a terrible fire of musketry; was severely wounded.
Chief Watertender Robert Earl Bonney (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on February 14, 1910 aboard USS Hopkins. His citation reads:
While serving on board the U.S.S. Hopkins, Bonney displayed extraordinary heroism in the line of his profession on the occasion of the accident to one of the boilers of that vessel, 14 February 1910.
Recap: WU @ Presbyterian
3 days ago
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