If you do not know me (I mean, really know me) then there is something you need to understand before you read this blog: I value the truth above everything else... except a good laugh. A good laugh will almost always beat the truth as far as I’m concerned. Everything you read on this blog will be true, somewhat true, or something I made up in an effort to get a laugh. Sometimes I will go on a rant that I don’t really mean (or only kind of mean). Sometimes I will mean what I write only to completely change my mind a year, month, or day later. Such is life. By reading this blog you agree not to get offended by anything I write (or, at the very least, you agree not to tell me or anyone else that you are offended). It is worth noting that my employer does not endorse my blog (or even read it, to tell you the truth). The Wife also does not endorse my blog (though she will read it from time to time). I am not paid to write this... it’s just my way of giving back to the community. I have, and will, touch on a wide range of subjects and will give my opinion on these subjects. Again, most of what I say is for laughs but every now and then I will say what I really think and feel (see my views on Westboro Baptist Cult). How will you know when I’m serious and when I’m trying to get a laugh? You’ll know. And if you don’t know, well... maybe this isn’t the best thing for you to be reading. So, sit back, read and enjoy. Leave comments if you want and don’t be afraid to publicly follow me.
Private Harry Kline (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on April 6, 1865, at Sailors Creek, Virginia. His citation reads:
Capture of battle flag.
Private Charles H. Kloth (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 22, 1863, at Vicksburg, Mississippi. His citation reads:
Carried with others by hand a cannon up to and fired it through an embrasure of the enemy's works.
Private Albert Knaak (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions from August to October 1868, in Arizona. His citation reads:
Bravery in scouts and actions against Indians.
We’d like to take a couple of minutes here to wish our very good friend (and 2011 & 2012 I’m just sayin… Fan of the Year) Ashley a very Happy Birthday! We trust that Cory and the girls (or, at least the girls) will make this a great birthday!
On 31 July 1943, near Gagliano, Sicily, a detachment of 1 officer and 9 enlisted men, including Sgt. Kisters, advancing ahead of the leading elements of U.S. troops to fill a large crater in the only available vehicle route through Gagliano, was taken under fire by 2 enemy machineguns. Sgt. Kisters and the officer, unaided and in the face of intense small arms fire, advanced on the nearest machinegun emplacement and succeeded in capturing the gun and its crew of 4. Although the greater part of the remaining small arms fire was now directed on the captured machinegun position, Sgt. Kisters voluntarily advanced alone toward the second gun emplacement. While creeping forward, he was struck 5 times by enemy bullets, receiving wounds in both legs and his right arm. Despite the wounds, he continued to advance on the enemy, and captured the second machinegun after killing 3 of its crew and forcing the fourth member to flee. The courage of this soldier and his unhesitating willingness to sacrifice his life, if necessary, served as an inspiration to the command.
Sergeant George K. Kitchen (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on September 9, 1874, at Upper Wichita, Texas. His citation reads:
Serving on board the U.S.S. Raleigh, for heroism in rescuing shipmates overcome in double bottoms by fumes of turpentine, 25 January 1904.
Sonny was a little under the weather last week, so I'll forgive him for not realizing that Ozzie Smith is the greatest St. Louis Cardinal since Stan "The Man" Musial. I'm sure that's something the rest of us can all agree on. Picture Tuesday
Look... It's a Mary Ruth-Go-Round
Susie and Mary Ruth at the park
Daniel was at the park, too...
I remember Granny would bring me and Louis to this same park and we would play with this toy... good to see Mary Ruth likes it too
Here is Susie moving a gumball so The Wife wouldn't step on it and break her foot...
Happy Susie
MR just hanging out
The kids hanging out in my chair waiting for mommy to get home
First Sergeant John Kirk (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on July 12, 1870, at Wichita River, Texas. His citation reads:
Gallantry in action.
Captain Johnathan C. Kirk (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 23, 1864, at North Anna River, Virginia. His citation reads:
Volunteered for dangerous service and single-handedly captured 13 armed Confederate soldiers and marched them to the rear.
Sergeant John A. Kirkwood (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on September 9, 1876, at Slim Buttes, Dakota Territory. His citation reads:
Bravely endeavored to dislodge some Sioux Indians secreted in a ravine.
The I’m just sayin… Proverb of the Week Proverbs 3:27
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty Sp4c. Kinsman (then Pfc.) distinguished himself in action in the afternoon while serving as a rifleman with Company B, on a reconnaissance-in-force mission. As his company was proceeding up a narrow canal in armored troops carriers, it came under sudden and intense rocket, automatic weapons and small-arms fire from a well entrenched Viet Cong force. The company immediately beached and began assaulting the enemy bunker complex. Hampered by exceedingly dense undergrowth which limited visibility to 10 meters, a group of 8 men became cut off from the main body of the company. As they were moving through heavy enemy fire to effect a link-up, an enemy soldier in a concealed position hurled a grenade into their midst. Sp4c. Kinsman immediately alerted his comrades of the danger, then unhesitatingly threw himself on the grenade and blocked the explosion with his body. As a result of his courageous action, he received severe head and chest wounds. Through his indomitable courage, complete disregard for his personal safety and profound concern for his fellow soldiers, Sp4c. Kinsman averted loss of life and injury to the other 7 men of his element. Sp4c. Kinsman's extraordinary heroism at the risk of his life, above and beyond the call of duty, are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army.
Major Dennis T. Kirby (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 22, 1863, at Vicksburg, Mississippi. His citation reads:
Seized the colors when the color bearer was killed and bore them himself in the assault.
Flashback Friday
Mom, me and Teresa Lynn... And I think that's Dad in the back with his hands up
The Wife with me and Dach
This cute little fella is me at 3 years old
4 Generations of Bethany UMC members - Granny, Mom, me and Mary Ruth
Back in the day I was a football player (#44 like Levon Kirkland)
I played TE and DE/OLB - and never lost a game (in the two years that I played)
Sonny with his prom date - she must have lost a bet
Me with my prom date - she won a bet... Ok, not really... but true story: My senior year before my 2nd period class I would stand in the hall and talk to my good friend Adam (who was the star pitcher/QB at our high school). This nice girl (who I won't name because I don't want to shame her by letting people know she went to prom with me) would always walk up and say hi to Adam and talk for a little while until the bell rang (at which point we'd all go our own way). Note - she'd never talk to me. She wasn't mean about it, she just acted like she couldn't see me standing right next to Adam (she'd make a perfect nurse at the "Medical Center" where The Wife had our children). Well it was getting close to time to find a prom date and, to make this long story a little shorter, I made a bet with Adam. I told him one Monday morning that if this girl talked to me that morning, I would ask her to prom. She walked up and said, "Hey Greg" - first words out of her mouth. So I asked her to prom and she then went around the rest of the day telling everyone she was going to prom with the hottest guy at our school (look at the pic... I'd have to agree with her). Ok, that last part may or may not be true, but everything before that was. As for Sonny's date, I am pretty sure she lost a bet and my guess is at the end of the night she went home and said, "Well, that's a part of my life I'll never get back".
Landsman Samuel W. Kinnaird (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on August 5, 1864, on board the USS Lackawanna. His citation reads:
Served as a landsman on board the U.S.S. Lackawanna during successful attacks against Fort Morgan, rebel gunboats and the ram Tennessee in Mobile Bay, 5 August 1864. Showing a presence of mind and cheerfulness that had much to do with maintaining the crew's morale, Kinnaird served gallantly through the action which resulted in the capture of the prize rebel ram Tennessee and in the destruction of batteries at Fort Morgan.
Private John B. Kinne (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 16, 1889, near San Isidro, Philippine Islands. His citation reads:
With 21 other scouts charged across a burning bridge, under heavy fire, and completely routed 600 of the enemy who were entrenched in a strongly fortified position.
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while acting as leader of a Rifle Platoon, serving with Company I, 3d Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division, in action against Japanese forces on Okinawa Shima in the Ryukyu Chain, 4 May 1945. Taken under sudden, close attack by hostile troops entrenched on the reverse slope while moving up a strategic ridge along which his platoon was holding newly won positions, Sgt. Kinser engaged the enemy in a fierce hand grenade battle. Quick to act when a Japanese grenade landed in the immediate vicinity, Sgt. Kinser unhesitatingly threw himself on the deadly missile, absorbing the full charge of the shattering explosion in his own body and thereby protecting his men from serious injury and possible death. Stouthearted and indomitable, he had yielded his own chance of survival that his comrades might live to carry on the relentless battle against a fanatic enemy. His courage, cool decision and valiant spirit of self-sacrifice in the face of certain death sustained and enhanced the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
I just wanted to take a minute here to wish my Mom a very happy birthday!!!!! We hope she has a great day! I know it's still a few years away, but I'm already starting to work on her 70th birthday post...
We’d also like to remember our old friend Mr. Williams who passed away on this date a few years ago. He was a great man who did a lot for baseball in the James Island/West Ashley area through his work as the Athletic Officer for the American Legion Post 147. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that “his boys” (players/coaches) are better off having played and coached for him.
Landsman Robert H. King (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on October 27, 1864, on board the US Picket Boat No. 1. His citation reads:
King served on board the U.S. Picket Boat No. 1, in action, 27 October 1864, against the Confederate ram, Albemarle, which had res1sted repeated attacks by our steamers and had kept a large force of vessels employed in watching her. The picket boat, equipped with a spar torpedo, succeeded in passing the enemy pickets within 20 yards without being discovered and then made for the Albemarle under a full head of steam. Immediately taken under fire by the ram, the small boat plunged on, jumped the log boom which encircled the target and exploded its torpedo under the port bow of the ram. The picket boat was destroyed by enemy fire and almost the entire crew taken prisoner or lost.
This officer, when his captain was wounded, succeeded to the command of two batteries while engaged against a superior force of the enemy and fought his guns most gallantly until compelled to retire.
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty, 23 June 1944 near Ploesti, Rumania, while flying as bombardier of a B17 type aircraft. On the bomb run 2d Lt. Kingsley's aircraft was severely damaged by intense flak and forced to drop out of formation but the pilot proceeded over the target and 2d Lt. Kingsley successfully dropped his bombs, causing severe damage to vital installations. The damaged aircraft, forced to lose altitude and to lag behind the formation, was aggressively attacked by 3 ME-109 aircraft, causing more damage to the aircraft and severely wounding the tail gunner in the upper arm. The radio operator and engineer notified 2d Lt. Kingsley that the tail gunner had been wounded and that assistance was needed to check the bleeding. 2d Lt. Kingsley made his way back to the radio room, skillfully applied first aid to the wound, and succeeded in checking the bleeding. The tail gunner's parachute harness and heavy clothes were removed and he was covered with blankets, making him as comfortable as possible. Eight ME-109 aircraft again aggressively attacked 2d Lt. Kingsley's aircraft and the ball turret gunner was wounded by 20mm. shell fragments. He went forward to the radio room to have 2d Lt. Kingsley administer first aid. A few minutes later when the pilot gave the order to prepare to bail out, 2d Lt. Kingsley immediately began to assist the wounded gunners in putting on their parachute harness. In the confusion the tail gunner's harness, believed to have been damaged, could not be located in the bundle of blankets and flying clothes which had been removed from the wounded men. With utter disregard for his own means of escape, 2d Lt. Kingsley unhesitatingly removed his parachute harness and adjusted it to the wounded tail gunner. Due to the extensive damage caused by the accurate and concentrated 20mm. fire by the enemy aircraft the pilot gave the order to bail out, as it appeared that the aircraft would disintegrate at any moment. 2d Lt. Kingsley aided the wounded men in bailing out and when last seen by the crewmembers he was standing on the bomb bay catwalk. The aircraft continued to fly on automatic pilot for a short distance, then crashed and burned. His body was later found in the wreckage. 2d Lt. Kingsley by his gallant heroic action was directly responsible for saving the life of the wounded gunner.
As you know, January is the Month of Birthday’s here on I’m just sayin… and we’re keeping it going today with my youngest niece Meredith’s birthday. So… HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEREDITH!!!! We love you and we hope you have a great birthday!
Thank you to Danny (yes, that Danny) for going to lunch with me yesterday.
Picture Tuesday
The Wife, Susie and Daniel - Happy to have Daniel home again
What do you do when you get out of the hospital? Go to a party
Daniel doing a little "Ball down the slide" research at the party
Daniel and Susie hugging... I think she is standing on her toes
While serving as a volunteer aide, carried orders to the reserve brigade and participated with it in the charge which repulsed the enemy.
Ordinary Seaman Hugh King (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on September 7, 1871, on board the USS Iroquois. His citation reads:
On board the U.S.S. Iroquois, Delaware River, 7 September 1871. Jumping overboard at the imminent risk of his life, King rescued one of the crew of that vessel from drowning.
Watertender John King (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 29, 1901, on board the USS Vicksburg AND on October 19, 1909, on board the USS Salem. His citation reads:
On board the U.S.S. Vicksburg, for heroism in the line of his profession at the time of the accident to the boilers, 29 May 1901. SECOND MEDAL G.O. No.: 40, 19 October 1909. Citation: Watertender, serving on board the U.S.S. Salem, for extraordinary heroism in the line of his profession on the occasion of the accident to one of the boilers of that vessel, 13 September 1909.
We hope all of you have a good Martin Luther King, Jr. Day today. While it’s true that I, in general, do not like “protests”… I do like the non-violent approach Dr. King took.
Today we’d like to wish the Pittsburgh Steelers a happy 34th Anniversary of their big win over the Dallas Cowboys in Super Bowl XIII (played on January 21, 1979). As you know, this win for the Pittsburgh is the reason I am a Steelers fan. I cannot begin to tell you how often I thank God during the NFL season that the Cowboys didn’t win Super Bowl XIII (which, I’m sure, would have made me a Cowboys fan).
Today would have been Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson’s 189th Birthday were he still with us. Before I forget (again), last Saturday would have been Robert E. Lee’s 206th Birthday. I’m not one to dwell on “what if’s” (ok, I probably am one to dwell on what if’s, but I try not to), but I’m as certain about what I’m about to say as I am about anything. Ever since I read my first book on the Civil War (many, many years ago), I have been convinced of two things. #1 – If Robert E. Lee had taken the offer to lead the Union Army, the war would have last a month… maybe two at most. #2 – Had Stonewall Jackson not been fatally wounded by friendly fire, the South would have won. But, alas, the war lasted longer than two months and the South didn’t win.
On 19 December 1944, as scout, he led a squad assigned to the mission of mining a vital crossroads near Rocherath, Belgium. At the first attempt to reach the objective, he discovered it was occupied by an enemy tank and at least 20 infantrymen. Driven back by withering fire, Technician 4th Grade Kimbro made 2 more attempts to lead his squad to the crossroads but all approaches were covered by intense enemy fire. Although warned by our own infantrymen of the great danger involved, he left his squad in a protected place and, laden with mines, crawled alone toward the crossroads. When nearing his objective he was severely wounded, but he continued to drag himself forward and laid his mines across the road. As he tried to crawl from the objective his body was riddled with rifle and machinegun fire. The mines laid by his act of indomitable courage delayed the advance of enemy armor and prevented the rear of our withdrawing columns from being attacked by the enemy.
Corporal John M. Kindig (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Virginia. His citation reads:
Capture of flag of 28th North Carolina Infantry. (C.S.A.).
Private Harold G. Kiner (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on October 2, 1944, near Palenberg, Germany. His citation reads:
With 4 other men, he was leading in a frontal assault 2 October 1944, on a Siegfried Line pillbox near Palenberg, Germany. Machinegun fire from the strongly defended enemy position 25 yards away pinned down the attackers. The Germans threw hand grenades, 1 of which dropped between Pvt. Kiner and 2 other men. With no hesitation, Private Kiner hurled himself upon the grenade, smothering the explosion. By his gallant action and voluntary sacrifice of his own life, he saved his 2 comrades from serious injury or death.
The I’m just sayin… Proverb of the Week Proverbs 3:1-2
1My son, do not forget my teaching,
but keep my commands in your heart, 2 for they will prolong your life many years
and bring you peace and prosperity.
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty in action against enemy aggressor forces. With his company engaged in defending a vitally important hill position well forward of the main line of resistance during an assault by large concentrations of hostile troops, HC Kilmer repeatedly braved intense enemy mortar, artillery, and sniper fire to move from 1 position to another, administering aid to the wounded and expediting their evacuation. Painfully wounded himself when struck by mortar fragments while moving to the aid of a casualty, he persisted in his efforts and inched his way to the side of the stricken marine through a hail of enemy shells falling around him. Undaunted by the devastating hostile fire, he skillfully administered first aid to his comrade and, as another mounting barrage of enemy fire shattered the immediate area, unhesitatingly shielded the wounded man with his body. Mortally wounded by flying shrapnel while carrying out this heroic action, HC Kilmer, by his great personal valor and gallant spirit of self-sacrifice in saving the life of a comrade, served to inspire all who observed him. His unyielding devotion to duty in the face of heavy odds reflects the highest credit upon himself and enhances the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for another.
Private Joseph Kimball (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on April 6, 1865, at Sailors Creek, Virginia. His citation reads:
Capture of flag of 6th North Carolina Infantry (C.S.A.).
Today we’d like to wish my sister-in-law Cougar a VERY HAPPY 43rd BIRTHDAY!!! We hope it’s a good one (though who knows if it will be since my 42 year-old brother Sonny doesn’t believe in celebrating birthdays… that Sonny, always full of joy and happiness). Anyway, maybe Allison and Austin will make it a great day…
Sergeant John Kiggins (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on November 24, 1863, at Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. His citation reads:
Waved the colors to save the lives of the men who were being fired upon by their own batteries, and thereby drew upon himself a concentrated fire from the enemy.
Within a range of 250 yards of the enemy and in the face of a rapid fire climbed a telegraph pole at the east end of the bridge and in full view of the enemy coolly and carefully repaired a broken telegraph wire, thereby reestablishing telegraphic communication to the front.
In action with the relief expedition of the Allied forces in China, 13, 20, 21 and 22 June 1900. During this period and in the presence of the enemy, Killackey distinguished himself by meritorious conduct.
The good news is Daniel is still doing well. That’s it… there’s no bad news (unless you’re a linebacker at Notre Dame with a fake dead girlfriend, but enough about that).
More good news, the husband of my personal photographer (is it really a shock that I have a personal photographer? really?) had surgery to remove a brain tumor yesterday and initial reports are that all went well. That’s it… there really is no bad news (unless you’re a former big shot cyclist who recently told Oprah he’s a big fat cheater-pants, but enough about that).
Flashback Friday
Me after my second ear surgery - December 1999 - That's a tube sticking out the back of my ear to drain it
Dach (sounds like Doc) doing what he loved to do (sleep under a coat/blanket with his head on a pillow) - Greatest. Dog. Ever
My favorite picture of Maverick
Little puppy Scooby... he thinks he's still this size
Lucy sleeping in my favorite chair (The Wife made me get rid of the chair)
Lucy sitting in the chair with Mary Ruth
This picture was taken on the day we brought Mary Ruth home for the first time - Lucy decided to guard her
Our "big bad pitbull" sitting in Mary Ruth's chair - To be fair, it said Princess on it... so I think Lucy thought it was her chair
He was with his unit in a dawn attack against hill positions approachable only along a narrow ridge paralleled on each side by steep cliffs which were heavily defended by enemy mortars, machineguns, and rifles in well-camouflaged spider holes and tunnels leading to caves. When the leading element was halted by intense fire that inflicted 5 casualties, Pfc. Kerstetter passed through the American line with his squad. Placing himself well in advance of his men, he grimly worked his way up the narrow steep hogback, meeting the brunt of enemy action. With well-aimed shots and rifle-grenade fire, he forced the Japs to take cover. He left the trail and moving down a cliff that offered only precarious footholds, dropped among 4 Japs at the entrance to a cave, fired his rifle from his hip and killed them all. Climbing back to the trail, he advanced against heavy enemy machinegun, rifle, and mortar fire to silence a heavy machinegun by killing its crew of 4 with rifle fire and grenades. He expended his remaining ammunition and grenades on a group of approximately 20 Japs, scattering them, and returned to his squad for more ammunition and first aid for his left hand, which had been blistered by the heat from his rifle. Resupplied, he guided a fresh platoon into a position from which a concerted attack could be launched, killing 3 hostile soldiers on the way. In all, he dispatched 16 Japs that day. The hill was taken and held against the enemy's counterattacks, which continued for 3 days. Pfc. Kerstetter's dauntless and gallant heroism was largely responsible for the capture of this key enemy position, and his fearless attack in the face of great odds was an inspiration to his comrades in their dangerous task.
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. Pfc. Kessler, acting without orders, raced 50 yards through a hail of machinegun fire, which had killed 5 of his comrades and halted the advance of his company, in order to form an assault group to destroy the machinegun. Ordering 3 men to act as a base of fire, he left the cover of a ditch and snaked his way to a point within 50 yards of the enemy machinegun before he was discovered, whereupon he plunged headlong into the furious chain of automatic fire. Reaching a spot within 6 feet of the emplacement he stood over it and killed both the gunner and his assistant, jumped into the gun position, overpowered and captured a third German after a short struggle. The remaining member of the crew escaped, but Pfc. Kessler wounded him as he ran. While taking his prisoner to the rear, this soldier saw 2 of his comrades killed as they assaulted an enemy strongpoint, fire from which had already killed 10 men in the company. Turning his prisoner over to another man, Pfc. Kessler crawled 35 yards to the side of 1 of the casualties, relieved him of his BAR and ammunition and continued on toward the strongpoint, 125 yards distant. Although 2 machineguns concentrated their fire directly on him and shells exploded within 10 yards, bowling him over, Pfc. Kessler crawled 75 yards, passing through an antipersonnel minefield to a point within 50 yards of the enemy and engaged the machineguns in a duel. When an artillery shell burst within a few feet of him, he left the cover of a ditch and advanced upon the position in a slow walk, firing his BAR from the hip. Although the enemy poured heavy machinegun and small arms fire at him, Pfc. Kessler succeeded in reaching the edge of their position, killed the gunners, and captured 13 Germans. Then, despite continuous shelling, he started to the rear. After going 25 yards, Pfc. Kessler was fired upon by 2 snipers only 100 yards away. Several of his prisoners took advantage of this opportunity and attempted to escape; however, Pfc. Kessler hit the ground, fired on either flank of his prisoners, forcing them to cover, and then engaged the 2 snipers in a fire fight, and captured them. With this last threat removed, Company K continued its advance, capturing its objective without further opposition. Pfc. Kessler was killed in a subsequent action.
For conspicuous devotion to duty, extraordinary courage and complete disregard of his own life, during the attack on the Fleet in Pearl Harbor, by Japanese forces on 7 December 1941. Rear Adm. Kidd immediately went to the bridge and, as Commander Battleship Division One, courageously discharged his duties as Senior Officer Present Afloat until the U.S.S. Arizona, his Flagship, blew up from magazine explosions and a direct bomb hit on the bridge which resulted in the loss of his life.
Today we’d like to wish my Uncle George a very happy birthday! While I enjoy talking to him and hearing his stories (especially from his childhood in jolly ol’ Cuba), The Wife likes him more for clearing up a little misunderstanding I had with the IRS a few years back and for getting “the man” to send us back some money every tax season (she’s so materialistic). We both like how good he is with our kids. And I’ve probably told you this before, but it’s worth repeating… When I graduated from college, Uncle George told me if I ever needed a place to stay, I was welcome at their house. Dad told me the same thing, except the words he used were “Get a job”. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Uncle George! We love you!
We also can’t let this day go by without remembering a couple of loved ones we lost on January 15. The first is my grandfather (Da) who passed away 18 years ago today. The second is our “first born” Lucy, who passed away 2 years ago. Both are missed every day…
A few more stories from last week…
The first room they put us in is reserved for tuberculosis patients. The reason for this room assignment, I’m sure, is that since they weren’t real sure what Daniel had, they were hoping he would get tuberculosis and then they’d be able to diagnosis it. I know a good idea when I see one. I was assured, of course, that we had nothing to worry about being in that room and I believe them. I’m sure it’s just allergies causing me to cough up blood right now. I’m not worried. Anyway, when a bigger room came open Jen was kind enough to ask me if I’d like it. I told her she could let Daniel and The Wife have it (since I was staying at home with the girls). That’s the difference between my favorite Children’s Hospital and the “Medical Center” (their words, not mine) where our kids were born. There, I was completely ignored unless I was needed (hold a leg, pay the bill… stuff like that). At this place, I was offered my own separate room close (but not too close, of course) to The Wife and my sick little Daniel.
The Wife was told at about 11:45am last Thursday that Daniel was being discharged that day. They didn’t get out of there until 4:00. I know you think this bothered me, but it didn’t. Word on the street is if they don’t discharge you within 30 minutes of telling you you’re being discharged, then your visit is free. So far, we haven’t paid them anything so I guess that’s true.
Adriane wasn’t the only preacher to stop by to see us. KC also sent the senior pastor (Bob) by to see how we were doing. That KC, when he does something he does it right.
We had a number of visitors come by (including Michael, my brother-in-law… not my extremely germaphobic banker) and we are very thankful for them (and for all who wanted to visit, but weren’t able to). We’re also very thankful for all of you out there who prayed for Daniel and for the rest of us.
While The Wife was with Daniel down at the 7A Bed and Breakfast, I had to get Mary Ruth to school each day and Susie to daycare. This is usually something The Wife does because I’m typically at work by the time they leave the house. Anyway, I’m happy to say that Mary Ruth wasn’t late any of the days I took her to school. This, of course, had nothing at all to do with me and everything to do with Mary Ruth getting up like a big girl and picking out clothes for her and Susie to wear. Both girls also did a great job waking up without any trouble and eating their breakfast fast.
One last thing… Tuesday night while I was home with the girls, Susie came up to me (real sad) and said, “Daddy… I sorry I got Daniel sick”. I, of course, told her it wasn’t her fault Daniel was sick. She then said, “No, I was coughing and then Daniel was coughing. I made him sick”. Again, I assured her it wasn’t her fault he was sick. She then yelled at me, “No! I cough, Daniel cough! I made him sick!”
Picture Tuesday
Daniel sleeping on his Mommy
This is how Daniel acted when he got to spend time with me while The Wife took a shower
You can always tell who is in charge by seeing who has their name at the top. I'm just sayin...
I did get him to sleep in my arms one time
Our little Super-Daniel once he started feeling better
Happy boy
My office sent him a gift. He was pointing out "Mouse" to us
You can't really tell it, but he's "shooting" The Wife because she told him to clean up
When we moved into our new room, the board was empty and there was a marker sitting there. Let this be a lesson for all you nurses out there
Sleeping baby boy
Daniel and Susie playing together after Daniel came home. It's a little blurry, but I couldn't get them to stay still long enough to take a picture.
Susie, Daniel and Mary Ruth watching a video that Teresa Lynn sent to them
Me under my afghan of many colors that Aunt Yvonne made for me. I let Aunt Yvonne, Mary Ruth and Susie get in the picture with me... though I told them they couldn't touch the afghan (only Aunt Yvonne listened to me)
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a SEAL team leader during action against enemy aggressor (Viet Cong) forces. Acting in response to reliable intelligence, Lt. (J.G..) Kerrey led his SEAL team on a mission to capture important members of the enemy's area political cadre known to be located on an island in the bay of Nha Trang. In order to surprise the enemy, he and his team scaled a 350-foot sheer cliff to place themselves above the ledge on which the enemy was located. Splitting his team in 2 elements and coordinating both, Lt. (J.G..) Kerrey led his men in the treacherous downward descent to the enemy's camp. Just as they neared the end of their descent, intense enemy fire was directed at them, and Lt. (J.G.) Kerrey received massive injuries from a grenade which exploded at his feet and threw him backward onto the jagged rocks. Although bleeding profusely and suffering great pain, he displayed outstanding courage and presence of mind in immediately directing his element's fire into the heart of the enemy camp. Utilizing his radioman, Lt. (J.G.) Kerrey called in the second element's fire support which caught the confused Viet Cong in a devastating crossfire. After successfully suppressing the enemy's fire, and although immobilized by his multiple wounds, he continued to maintain calm, superlative control as he ordered his team to secure and defend an extraction site. Lt. (J.G.) Kerrey resolutely directed his men, despite his near unconscious state, until he was eventually evacuated by helicopter. The havoc brought to the enemy by this very successful mission cannot be over-estimated. The enemy soldiers who were captured provided critical intelligence to the allied effort. Lt. (J.G.) Kerrey's courageous and inspiring leadership, valiant fighting spirit, and tenacious devotion to duty in the face of almost overwhelming opposition sustain and enhance the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.
Sergeant Thomas Kerrigan (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on July 12, 1870, at Wichita River, Texas. His citation reads:
Serving on board the U.S.S. Plymouth at the Navy Yard, New York, 26 July 1876, Kersey displayed bravery and presence of mind in rescuing from drowning one of the crew of that vessel.
The I’m just sayin… Proverb of the Week Proverbs 1:32-33
32 For the waywardness of the simple will kill them,
and the complacency of fools will destroy them; 33 but whoever listens to me will live in safety
and be at ease, without fear of harm.
For extraordinary heroism and distinguished courage above and beyond the call of duty while serving aboard the U.S.S. San Francisco during action against enemy Japanese forces in the Solomon Islands, 1213 November 1942. When a hostile torpedo plane, during a daylight air raid, crashed on the after machine-gun platform, Keppler promptly assisted in removal of the dead and, by his capable supervision of the wounded, undoubtedly helped save the lives of several shipmates who otherwise might have perished. That night, when the ship's hangar was set afire during the great battle off Savo Island, he bravely led a hose into the starboard side of the stricken area and there, without assistance and despite frequent hits from terrific enemy bombardment, eventually brought the fire under control. Later, although mortally wounded, he labored valiantly in the midst of bursting shells, persistently directing fire-fighting operations and administering to wounded personnel until he finally collapsed from loss of blood. His great personal valor, maintained with utter disregard of personal safety, was in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
Captain John B. Kerr (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on January 1, 1891, at White River, South Dakota. His citation reads:
For distinguished bravery while in command of his troop in action against hostile Sioux Indians on the north bank of the White River, near the mouth of Little Grass Creek, S. Dak., where he defeated a force of 300 Brule Sioux warriors, and turned the Sioux tribe, which was endeavoring to enter the Bad Lands, back into the Pine Ridge Agency.
Captain Thomas R. Kerr (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on August 7, 1864, at Moorfield, West Virginia. His citation reads:
After being most desperately wounded, he captured the colors of the 8th Virginia Cavalry (C.S.A.).
We’d like to take a minute to wish my friend Clark a very happy birthday! We hope Jenn and the boys make it a good one.
As many of you know, The Wife and Daniel went on a little vacation to downtown Charleston this week. When last we talked, I told you how my friend Jen had made a well-respected doctor break out in a cold sweat and shake uncontrollably just by being in the room with us when he walked in. I also told you about how greatly disappointed Susie was that I picked her up instead of “her” mommy. Since then…
Things were not great for The Wife during her first night at the 7A Bed and Breakfast. An intern came in at midnight asking questions about Daniel and wanting to examine him (she told him no… so he just asked a couple of questions and left). She then fell back asleep just in time to have a resident come in for a chat at 2:00am. This is where me and The Wife differ. At this point, I would have pulled out my phone and pointed to Jen’s name and let her know she has 10 seconds to leave before I push this button and make her wish she could go back in time and never become a doctor. The Wife just acted rude to her until she left. Well, I got to the room the next morning before I went into the office and The Wife was none too happy about her 2am visitor. She went to take a shower and while she was in there Jen showed up with a look that I usually only see when she’s mad at me and Danny (yes, that Danny) for talking to each other during the Sunday School lesson. She told me that one of her people had already contacted her about what had happened and that she was going to “take care of it”. Not long after, I walked by Jen’s office on my way to my office and I saw her video conferencing with the resident over her computer. I can’t be 100% sure, but it looked like she was using the Force to choke the poor woman then I could have sworn I heard her say, “Apology accepted, Doctor”. (If you don’t “get” this joke, go watch The Empire Strikes Back and then come back and re-read it). Anywho, I’m sure Jen didn’t actually kill the woman, but The Wife did point out that she never saw her again (though I do think I saw her standing on the side of the road wearing one of those sandwich signs that said: I WON’T WAKE UP PATIENTS AT 2AM FOR NO GOOD REASON [it was a big sign]).
I went back to the room after getting some things done in my office and found The Wife somewhat frustrated by the fact that the doctors who had looked at Daniel didn’t seem to know what was wrong and it didn’t look like they were going to find out any time soon. It was at this point that I believe I overheard Jen yelling out in the hallway at a group of doctors saying something like, “I don’t care WHAT your plans are for tonight, NOBODY leaves until you figure out what is wrong with Daniel and start fixing it! Do I make myself clear?!” I’m pretty sure I saw a grown-ass man start to cry while one of the young lady doctors wet herself. All of them seemed to cower and shake a little as if the temperature in the hall had fallen as Jen’s anger had risen. It was incredible to see. I also feel I must point out that they started treating Daniel around 7:30 that night. I’m just sayin…
I’m not the only one with friends in the medical field… When The Wife found out Daniel was going to be admitted, she called the wife of one of the doctors and ask that he stop by (as if the Children’s Hospital had a menu of doctors for you to pick from). Anyway, this doctor did stop by for a social chat because he was nice (and because his wife had called him about 4 or 5 times that morning). As he was leaving he said it would be funny if The Wife sent a text to his wife saying he’d come by but was real rude and not helpful at all and then wait a few minutes and send a text saying haha. She did the first part but forgot to do the second part until the poor guy called her about 45 minutes later saying that his wife was none too happy with how he had acted and asking if The Wife could perhaps fix this problem she created. After The Wife got done laughing (so about 10 or 15 minutes later), she sent a text message letting her friend know that she was kidding and that one day we’d all look back on this and laugh and that, at least for us, that day was here.
One last story I’d like to share today (I might have more to share at a later date if I can remember/think of any)… I sent my good friend KC a text asking him to let our church know that Daniel was in the hospital. Within about 20 minutes we had a preacher walking into our room (because when you want something done, you get KC to make the call). As it would happen, this preacher’s pregnant and at the time they weren’t real sure if Daniel had something contagious/bad for a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. So Adriane decided to stand just inside our door (because everyone knows there is about a 2-3 feet “germ free” radius around a door). She was doing fine talking to us and was starting to feel better about being in there (especially after Jen told her she’d be ok), but then a team of doctors came in wearing protective gear with masks covering their faces and Adriane was out the door before we could say goodbye (which means she owes us an outside-of-church prayer). :)
I’m sure I’ll think of some more stories to share with you at a later date. Until then, thanks again for all of your prayers.
Flashback Friday
Sonny with a stuffed dolphin
Mom with some friends at Folly Beach... way back when Folly had a lot of sand
Sonny opening a gift
Me... not 100% sure when (maybe 8th or 9th grade)
The house in Knightsville that Mom and Aunt Yvonne grew up in
Teresa Lynn's oldest (Leah) on the sofa at MaMa's house