Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:
Chief Metalsmith James Harper McDonald (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 23, 1939, in the area at sea of sinking of the U.S.S. Squalus. His citation reads:
For extraordinary heroism in the line of his profession as a master diver throughout the rescue and salvage operations following the sinking of the U.S.S. Squalus on 23 May 1939. His leadership, masterly skill, general efficiency, and untiring devotion to duty in directing diving operations, and in making important and difficult dives under the most hazardous conditions, characterize conduct far above and beyond the ordinary call of duty.
Boatswain’s Mate John McDonald (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on December 23 – 27, 1862, on board the USS Baron De Kalb. His citation reads:
Serving on board the U.S.S. Baron De Kalb, Yazoo River Expedition, 23 to 27 December 1862. Proceeding under orders up the Yazoo River, the U.S.S. Baron De Kalb, with the object of capturing or destroying the enemy's transports, came upon the steamers John Walsh, R. J. Locklan, Golden Age, and the Scotland, sunk on a bar where they were ordered burned. Continuing up the river, she was fired on but, upon returning the fire, caused the enemy's retreat. Returning down the Yazoo, she destroyed and captured large quantities of enemy equipment and several prisoners. Serving bravely throughout this action, McDonald, as boatswain's mate, "distinguished himself in the various actions."
Private John Wade McDonald (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on April 6, 1862, at Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee. His citation reads:
Was severely wounded while endeavoring, at the risk of his life, to carry to a place of safety a wounded and helpless comrade.
Mary Ruth is back home after two weeks in Red Wing, MN! We’re all happy she is back. Susie really missed her while she was gone (though Mary Ruth doesn’t believe this to be true).
I saw A Good Day to Die Hard last week. I don’t understand how people can give that movie a bad review. It’s not my favorite Die Hard movie, but I still really liked it. What exactly are people expecting to see that would cause them to give it a bad review? I would be happy to watch it again (and again, and again…).
I just got done reading Open, by Andre Agassi. Great book. He’s my all-time favorite tennis player… so it was kind of strange reading about how much he hated tennis. I felt bad for him… but I still loved watching him play.
Oh... I've got a new snake story for you. Check back on Tuesday for the story and pics.
Flashback Friday
With less than 50 days until the 2013 Labor Day Weekend, we are going to look at some old Labor Day pictures. These are from the 1999 LDW (I believe). I think this is one of the few Labor Day Weekends that I missed. You may notice that my Labor Day Aunt Not Janie has her faced covered… this, of course, is done by her request to protect any future political career she may or may not have. That… or she’s just worried that the fame brought on by having her picture on here will be too much for her. Anyway, here we go…
Recap: WU vs. Radford
14 hours ago
Great memories! Thank you for posting Greg. Looking forward to 2013! -Jane