Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:
Private James K. Sturgeon (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on June 15, 1864, at Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia. His citation reads:
Advanced beyond the lines, and in an encounter with 3 Confederates shot 2 and took the other prisoner.
Second Lieutenant Jerome A. Sudut (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on September 12, 1951, near Kumhwa, Korea. His citation reads:
2d Lt. Sudut distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. His platoon, attacking heavily fortified and strategically located hostile emplacements, had been stopped by intense fire from a large bunker containing several firing posts. Armed with submachinegun, pistol, and grenades, 2d Lt. Sudut charged the emplacement alone through vicious hostile fire, killing 3 of the occupants and dispersing the remainder. Painfully wounded, he returned to reorganize his platoon, refused evacuation and led his men in a renewed attack. The enemy had returned to the bunker by means of connecting trenches from other emplacements and the platoon was again halted by devastating fire. Accompanied by an automatic-rifleman 2d Lt. Sudut again charged into close-range fire to eliminate the position. When the rifleman was wounded, 2d Lt. Sudut seized his weapon and continued alone, killing 3 of the 4 remaining occupants. Though mortally wounded and his ammunition exhausted, he jumped into the emplacement and killed the remaining enemy soldier with his trench knife. His single-handed assaults so inspired his comrades that they continued the attack and drove the enemy from the hill, securing the objective. 2d Lt. Sudut's consummate fighting spirit, outstanding leadership, and gallant self-sacrifice are in keeping with the finest traditions of the infantry and the U.S. Army.
Ensign Daniel Augustus Joseph Sullivan (US Navy) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 21, 1918, on board the U.S.S. Cristabel. His citation reads:
For extraordinary heroism as an officer of the U.S.S. Cristabel in conflict with an enemy submarine on 21 May 1918. As a result of the explosion of a depth bomb dropped near the submarine, the Christabel was so badly shaken that a number of depth charges which had been set for firing were thrown about the deck and there was imminent danger that they would explode. Ens. Sullivan immediately fell on the depth charges and succeeded in securing them, thus saving the ship from disaster, which would inevitably have caused great loss of life.
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The I’m just sayin… Hymn of the Week
Shall We Gather at the River
This great hymn was written in 1864 by Robert Lowry. You can read about it here.
Shall we gather at the river
Where bright angels feet have trod
With its crystal tides forever
Flowing by the throne of God.
Yes, we'll gather at that river
The beautiful, the beautiful river
Gather with the saints at that river
That flows by the throne of God.
When we reach that shining river
We'll lay every burden down
Then grace our spirits will deliver
And will receive our robe and crown.
Soon we'll reach that silver river
Soon our pilgrimage will cease
Soon our happy hearts will quiver
With the melody of peace.
Oh yes, we'll gather at that river
That flows by the throne of God.
That flows by the throne of God...
2025 Big South Tournament Preview
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