
If you do not know me (I mean, really know me) then there is something you need to understand before you read this blog: I value the truth above everything else... except a good laugh. A good laugh will almost always beat the truth as far as I’m concerned. Everything you read on this blog will be true, somewhat true, or something I made up in an effort to get a laugh. Sometimes I will go on a rant that I don’t really mean (or only kind of mean). Sometimes I will mean what I write only to completely change my mind a year, month, or day later. Such is life. By reading this blog you agree not to get offended by anything I write (or, at the very least, you agree not to tell me or anyone else that you are offended). It is worth noting that my employer does not endorse my blog (or even read it, to tell you the truth). The Wife also does not endorse my blog (though she will read it from time to time). I am not paid to write this... it’s just my way of giving back to the community. I have, and will, touch on a wide range of subjects and will give my opinion on these subjects. Again, most of what I say is for laughs but every now and then I will say what I really think and feel (see my views on Westboro Baptist Cult). How will you know when I’m serious and when I’m trying to get a laugh? You’ll know. And if you don’t know, well... maybe this isn’t the best thing for you to be reading. So, sit back, read and enjoy. Leave comments if you want and don’t be afraid to publicly follow me.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Some thoughts...

The other day I talked about the whole President Obama calling Kanye West a “jackass” off the record thing. While it’s not 100% the same thing, it did remind me of something I read about in a Ronald Reagan biography. It seems that then-President Reagan was joking around during a microphone check (unaware that he was being broadcast) when he said, “My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes”. I’m sure people got upset over it... but I think it’s funny.

I’m not saying what Governor Sanford and Congressman Wilson (more on him later) did was right, but let’s not blow things out of proportion here. Is it really news when a politician cheats on his wife? Maybe right when people find out, but I think it’s time to move on. Besides, it’s not like either one of them got drunk one night, drove off a bridge (and into the water) with a woman in the car, left the woman in the car, and didn’t tell anyone about it until the next day (however you want to word it, it’s called killing in my book) only to be re-elected over and over and over and over. I’m just sayin...

I didn’t vote for Gov. Sanford to be a role model husband/father. I voted for him because I thought he’d do the best job at getting the state’s finances in order. I saw an article in the Wall Street Journal a few weeks ago about states with budget deficits of over 1 billion dollars (That’s $1,000,000,000.00). There were 27 states on the list and most of the states listed had deficits well over the 1 billion mark (I think California was around 40 billion and NY was around 20 billion). South Carolina wasn’t on the list.

Congressman Wilson called President Obama a liar. Am I the only person who finds it ironic (and pretty dang funny) that one politician called another politician a liar? Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black if you ask me. (And no, Jimmy Carter, I don’t find that saying racist).

If the actions of politicians could embarrass me, that would completely change who I’d vote for.

I’d only vote for Jeremy.

And Danny for Mayor, of course.

Funny story, I voted for Jeremy for a few different offices last election.

He didn’t win any of them.

I think SC public schools get a bad rap. Education is like a bank... if you don’t put anything into it, you won’t get anything out of it. Most families don’t want to put anything into it... and they get mad when they don’t get anything out of it. I say families because if parents don’t value an education, their children won’t.

At some point, kids have to take responsibility for their own actions (including, but not limited to, education).

What do all of the big companies (like Enron) that have been caught lying, cheating, and stealing have in common? None were run by graduates from SC public schools. Let’s start bashing the education system that those people came out of. Just a thought...

South Carolina isn’t perfect, but I still love it. I live here because I want to. I’ve always wanted to. That’s why I don’t understand people who move here and then complain about the state while talking about how great things were back home. If things were really that great back home, they’d have found a way to stay (or they’d find a way to go back). I’m just sayin....

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