Have you ever found yourself sitting at work on a slow Friday looking out of the window at great weather and thinking about who would hold what position if you were President (or the leader of a crime family)? Me too!
So here’s what I’m thinking:
The Horres “Family”
Don: Me
So here’s what I’m thinking:
The Horres “Family”
Don: Me
Already this is where things in my daydreaming get kind difficult. As you know, I have an older brother. So how can I be the head of the family with him still around? For all things mafia related, I of course have to draw on my experience from The Godfather. This means one of two things will happen to my brother.
1. He will be a tough, hot-headed man who likes to fight and he will lead the family for a brief period before being gunned down at a toll booth.
1. He will be a tough, hot-headed man who likes to fight and he will lead the family for a brief period before being gunned down at a toll booth.

2. He will be a sickly, wimpy man who will betray me and who I will end up having killed after our mother dies.

Since I like my brother, I will go with choice #1. So, sorry Kevin, you aren’t around in this scenario, but at least you went out like Sonny and not like Fredo.
Anyway, back to my “Family”...
Underboss: My cousin Louis
Consiglieri: Jeremy
Enforcer (ala, Luca Brasi/Al Neri): Brett B.
Caporegime: KC
Caporegime: Danny
Caporegime: Jamin
Soldier: Clark
Soldier: Ross
Soldier: Dave
Associates: All of my other friends
Now if I was President:
President: Me
Chief of Staff: Jeremy
Vice President: KC
Secretary of State: my brother Kevin
Attorney General: Louis
Soldier: Clark
Soldier: Ross
Soldier: Dave
Associates: All of my other friends
Now if I was President:
President: Me
Chief of Staff: Jeremy
Vice President: KC
Secretary of State: my brother Kevin
Attorney General: Louis
Secretary of Defense: Danny
Secretary of Homeland Security: Dave
Secretary of the Treasury: Michael
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Clark
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Jamin
Secretary of Education: my sister Teri
Spiritual Advisor (ala Billy Graham): Jenn
Secretary of the Interior: Ross
Secretary of Transportation: My cousin Jason
Director of the CIA: My cousin Scott
Ambassador to the UN: My cousin Alan
Deputy Chief of Staff: My friend Kurt. We played baseball together at JI. I don’t think I’ve actually seen him since we graduated, but I keep up with him over Facebook. He’s lived all over the world, so he would probably be a good Ambassador to the UN, but I wanted my cousin Alan in that spot. I want Kurt to be Deputy Chief of Staff because I would like his advice on things. The thing is, Kurt leans so far to the left that if we were in a three-legged race together and I didn’t lean right, we’d fall over. So I’m not sure how much of his advice I’d actually use, but I think it’s good to have differing opinions and different views. Plus he’s fun to hang out with.
Senior Advisor: My brother-in-law Brent
Senior Advisor: My British friend Thomas
Secretary of Homeland Security: Dave
Secretary of the Treasury: Michael
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Clark
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Jamin
Secretary of Education: my sister Teri
Spiritual Advisor (ala Billy Graham): Jenn
Secretary of the Interior: Ross
Secretary of Transportation: My cousin Jason
Director of the CIA: My cousin Scott
Ambassador to the UN: My cousin Alan
Deputy Chief of Staff: My friend Kurt. We played baseball together at JI. I don’t think I’ve actually seen him since we graduated, but I keep up with him over Facebook. He’s lived all over the world, so he would probably be a good Ambassador to the UN, but I wanted my cousin Alan in that spot. I want Kurt to be Deputy Chief of Staff because I would like his advice on things. The thing is, Kurt leans so far to the left that if we were in a three-legged race together and I didn’t lean right, we’d fall over. So I’m not sure how much of his advice I’d actually use, but I think it’s good to have differing opinions and different views. Plus he’s fun to hang out with.
Senior Advisor: My brother-in-law Brent
Senior Advisor: My British friend Thomas
Director of National Drug Control Policy: My brother-in-law Michael
There are other people I would need to find a spot for (like my cousin Susan) but this is what I would start with.