I believe Astroturf and the DH should be outlawed.
I think all sports should have rules in place regarding concussions. Recent studies have started to point to repeated brain trauma as a cause of ALS. A lot of former football players (relatively speaking) now have this disease. Still, I think all sports should have rules in place. Why? Well, if you look at a list of sports where concussions are most likely you will see way down on the list (or not even on the list at all) are basketball and baseball. In high school, Sonny suffered a concussion playing basketball. I got knocked out in a baseball game. Not only that, but there is a theory that Lou Gehrig himself may have gotten ALS (which is commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease) due to repeated head trauma. Gehrig suffered major head trauma at least 6 times in his career (and he never took a day off). So all sports should have something in place.
I think it’s pretty cool that Henry Fonda quit making movies in the early 40’s so that he could join the Navy.
I think his daughter should have been arrested, tried, and convicted of treason for what she did during the Vietnam War. Protests are one thing. I don’t usually agree with them… but I still believe they should be protected. She, however, went miles past the line between protest and treason.
I’m so vain, I do think that song is about me.
Is it possible to see a baby smile and not smile back? I don’t think so.
Golden Girls… That’s what I’m talking about.
Greatest actor ever? That’s hard… Morgan Freeman, Sean Connery, Harrison Ford, Al Pacino, Samuel L. Jackson… Might be too hard to call.
Greatest actress? Shirley MacLaine (Side Note: How in the world did she not win an award for her roles in Steel Magnolias or Rumor Has It…? How was she not even nominated for an award for her role in Rumor Has It…?).
I believe laughing is great medicine.
I liked Rachael over Monica.
Labor Day is my favorite holiday because I get to see my Labor Day Family that weekend.
My favorite NCIS character is Tony.
I think a “Lazy River” is a great invention.
You think I sometimes say crazy things on this blog? You should see some of the emails I send. If you’ve seen those emails and you think those are crazy, you should see the stuff I’ve typed but didn’t send.
I love high school and college football, basketball, and baseball.
My favorite college football teams are Navy, Clemson, and Charleston Southern.
I don't hate USC the way most my family does. I save that hate for Coastal Carolina.
Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:
Corporal Jake Allex (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on August 9, 1918 at Chipilly Ridge, France. His citation reads:
At a critical point in the action, when all the officers with his platoon had become casualties, Cpl. Allex took command of the platoon and led it forward until the advance was stopped by fire from a machinegun nest. He then advanced alone for about 30 yards in the face of intense fire and attacked the nest. With his bayonet he killed 5 of the enemy, and when it was broken, used the butt of his rifle, capturing 15 prisoners.
Captain Edward C. Allworth (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions November 5, 1918 at Clery-le-Petit, France. His citation reads:
While his company was crossing the Meuse River and canal at a bridgehead opposite Clery-le-Petit, the bridge over the canal was destroyed by shell fire and Capt. Allworth's command became separated, part of it being on the east bank of the canal and the remainder on the west bank. Seeing his advance units making slow headway up the steep slope ahead, this officer mounted the canal bank and called for his men to follow. Plunging in he swam across the canal under fire from the enemy, followed by his men. Inspiring his men by his example of gallantry, he led them up the slope, joining his hard-pressed platoons in front. By his personal leadership he forced the enemy back for more than a kilometer, overcoming machinegun nests and capturing 100 prisoners, whose number exceeded that of the men in his command. The exceptional courage and leadership displayed by Capt. Allworth made possible the re-establishment of a bridgehead over the canal and the successful advance of other troops.
First Lieutenant Adelbert Ames (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on July 21, 1861 at Bull Run, Virginia. His citation reads:
Remained upon the field in command of a section of Griffin's Battery, directing its fire after being severely wounded and refusing to leave the field until too weak to sit upon the caisson where he had been placed by men of his command.
Recap: WU @ Presbyterian
3 days ago
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