Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:
Private First Class Whitt L. Moreland (US Marine Corps) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 29, 1951, at Kwagch'i-Dong, Korea. His citation reads:
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as an intelligence scout attached to Company C, in action against enemy aggressor forces. Voluntarily accompanying a rifle platoon in a daring assault against a strongly defended enemy hill position, Pfc. Moreland delivered accurate rifle fire on the hostile emplacement and thereby aided materially in seizing the objective. After the position had been secured, he unhesitatingly led a party forward to neutralize an enemy bunker which he had observed some 400 meters beyond, and moving boldly through a fire-swept area, Almost reached the hostile emplacement when the enemy launched a volley of handgrenades on his group. Quick to act despite the personal danger involved, he kicked several of the grenades off the ridge line where they exploded harmlessly and, while attempting to kick away another, slipped and fell near the deadly missile. Aware that the sputtering grenade would explode before he could regain his feet and dispose of it, he shouted a warning to his comrades, covered the missile with his body and absorbed the full blast ??of the explosion, but in saving his companions from possible injury or death, was mortally wounded. His heroic initiative and valiant spirit of self-sacrifice in the face of certain death reflect the highest credit upon Pfc. Moreland and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
Private Sterling Morelock (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on October 4, 1918, near Exermont, France. His citation reads:
While his company was being held up by heavy enemy fire, Pvt. Morelock, with 3 other men who were acting as runners at company headquarters, voluntarily led them as a patrol in advance of his company's frontline through an intense rifle, artillery, and machinegun fire and penetrated a woods which formed the German frontline. Encountering a series of 5 hostile machinegun nests, containing from 1 to 5 machineguns each, with his patrol he cleaned them all out, gained and held complete mastery of the situation until the arrival of his company commander with reinforcements, even though his entire party had become casualties. He rendered first aid to the injured and evacuated them by using stretcher bearers 10 German prisoners whom he had captured. Soon thereafter his company commander was wounded and while dressing his wound Pvt. Morelock was very severely wounded in the hip, which forced his evacuation. His heroic action and devotion to duty were an inspiration to the entire regiment.
Private Delano Morey (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 8, 1862, at McDowell, Virginia. His citation reads:
After the charge of the command had been repulsed, he rushed forward alone with an empty gun and captured two of the enemy's sharpshooters.
I just wanted to swing by the I’m just sayin… offices today to wish my Uncle Keith (or “Key-ith”, as MaMa called him) a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! I wanted to post a video of Maverick and The Kids singing to him, but Maverick was sick and not up to singing (and let’s face it, having The Kids sing without Maverick would be like having The News sing without Huey Lewis). Maybe we’ll be able to put a video together for next year. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE KEITH! We love you!
Championship Morning Thoughts
1 day ago