Know Your Medal of Honor Recipients:
Scout William F. Cody (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on April 26, 1872 at Platte River, Nebraska. His citation reads:
Gallantry in action. (In 1916, the general review of all Medals of Honor deemed 900 unwarranted. This recipient was one of them. In June 1989, the U.S. Army Board of Correction of Records restored the medal to this recipient.)
Major James Coey (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on February 6, 1865 at Hatchers Run, Virginia. His citation reads:
Seized the regimental colors at a critical moment and by a prompt advance on the enemy caused the entire brigade to follow him; and, after being himself severely wounded, he caused himself to be lifted into the saddle and a second time rallied the line in an attempt to check the enemy.
Sergeant Robert J. Coffey (US Army) received his Medal of Honor for his actions on May 4, 1863 at Banks Ford, Virginia. His citation reads:
Single-handedly captured 2 officers and 5 privates of the 8th Louisiana Regiment (C.S.A.).
Another new segment to I’m just sayin… is our “Thankful Thursday” segment. Why, I ask, should we just talk about what we’re thankful for once a year? Here, I’m going to (try) to make it a weekly thing. I might just talk about one thing or I might talk about a number of things. I don’t know. We’ll have to just play it by ear.
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful that Mary Ruth is feeling better. She has been sick this past week with what we thought was a UTI (something she gets more than she should). She just had one not long ago (back in October or November, I think) and our doctor (well, our back-up doctor… who, I might add, is better than most people’s starting doctor) told The Wife that we might want to take her to MUSC to see a specialist. So The Wife made an appointment for late December… and then about a week before the date, cancelled the appointment. To be honest, I don’t blame her. For one thing, Mary Ruth had been fine since the last time so there didn’t really seem to be a rush to have her seen. For another thing, the appointment was on her birthday and we had made plans for the kids to spend the night with my parents the night before that (so she’d be down there on her birthday). That was great… until I started driving the kids down to James Island… Susie and Daniel were in the back seat of the Kia and MR was in the front seat. I got off the phone with The Wife just in time to have MR look at me and start throwing-up… a lot. I won’t go into detail here… let’s just say she filled up both cup holders in between the seats. It was a miracle we didn’t wreck because I’m pretty sure my eyes were on her this whole time and not the road. I’m also pretty sure I was swerving all over the place. And, I’m not proud of this, I’m pretty sure I was screaming like a little girl (except the little girl in my back seat who was saying the whole time “You ok MooMoo? Daddy, MooMoo sicky. You ok MooMoo? Daddy, MooMoo needs a doctor”). Anyway, I made a quick U-turn and headed home. So on a day she was going to be playing with her cousins… MR ended up on our sofa sick. Sonny was kind enough to drive Mom up to pick up Susie and Daniel to take them back to JI. Soon to be 40 Teri (formerly No Name Teri) called to check on us. That Soon to be 40 Teri… always willing to go the mile (Sonny, of course, went the extra mile by coming up to check on her but that’s neither here nor there… though I guess if you think about it, it kinda was here but I digress). So from that day until this past Monday night, Mary Ruth was pretty sick. The Wife took her on the 30th to the after-hours doctor that we use and they gave her some meds for a UTI. She was still pretty sick Monday morning but started feeling better Monday night. The Wife took her to MUSC this past Tuesday. She was worried that they might be there for a few hours. They ended up only being there about 35 minutes. What she doesn’t know is that I sent a mass email to the Urology Department everyone there know that The Wife and Mary Ruth were coming and that I was sure our very good friend Jen wouldn’t want them to have to wait long. For what it’s worth, they loved the doctor that they saw down there. She (the doc) wants MR to come back later this month to have some tests done. She thinks Mary Ruth might have a kidney infection. So, we need you to pray that they will be able to figure out what is wrong (and then fix it). Until then, however, I’m thankful that Mary Ruth is feeling better. Her fever is gone and right now things are “normal”.
I’m also thankful for The Wife’s new van. I know I haven’t told you much about it yet… maybe I’ll do that tomorrow.
Recap: WU @ Presbyterian
3 days ago
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