It’s a funny thing, this difference between men and women. I can remember when I went to a bachelor party for my cousin Louis. I think we started with 8 guys (or at least around 8 guys… I don’t remember all of the details from that night). Anyway, as the night went on, guys kept dropping (more like passing) out. Now girls in a situation like this will make sure their friend is ok and the pack will stay together. Guys in this situation will keep moving on. Casualties happen. Survive and advance, that’s how it is. That night we started with 8… by the end I was one of 3 guys left standing (or at least leaning). And here’s the thing, not only were we willing to leave the other guys behind, they were ok with it… expected it, even.
I have other examples of this, too. No long ago The Wife and I had work done on our bathroom. While this was going on, we had to move a bunch of stuff into our bedroom. Long story short, only one of us would be able to sleep in the bed while the other would have to sleep on the sofa in the den. So, The Wife gets the bed and I get the sofa… right? At least, that’s how I saw it. The Wife saw it a different way. In her mind, this situation called for her sleeping on the sofa and me sleeping… on the floor by the sofa so we could be in the same room. Don’t worry… you didn’t misread what I wrote.
Then there’s this whole thing with Atlanta. I have planned since July to be in Atlanta this Wednesday, Thursday, and come back Friday. I was going to Atlanta for Catalyst. It was going to be great. This was going to give some of the best young religious leaders a chance to meet me face to face. I was really looking forward to this but The Wife decided this past weekend that she didn’t want me to go. So we compromised and I’m not going.
Championship Morning Thoughts
2 hours ago
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