I love having a baby. People are bringing us food. How great is this?! And I’m talking about good food… not what we usually eat in this house. Is this a Southern thing or do people do this everywhere? We might have two more kids just to get the food.
If people had brought us food when we brought Scooby home, I might have liked him more.
So Mary Ruth now lifts up her shirt to “nurse” her baby dolls. This is what I get for leaving her and The Wife at home together all day.
This might get me in trouble but it needs to be said… I’m trying to figure out what goes on in this house when I’m at work and school. When I’m at work, The Mother-in-Law comes over and helps The Wife. Are the dishes washed? No. Are the clothes washed? No. Have “Thank You” notes been written? No. So what the heck goes on when I’m not here? Mary Ruth takes care of Susie… so I know that’s not the reason these things aren’t getting done. I can only assume that The Mother-in-Law and The Wife sit around watching TV and playing on the internet.
Let’s talk about selling alcohol on Sunday. I can go either way on this one. As you know, I spent my college days in Rock Hill… which is in the Bible Belt. Alcohol sales were outlawed on Sunday up there. It only took me one week into my freshman year to figure out I needed to buy enough beer on Saturday to last me through Sunday. Haha… just kidding all of you anti-underage drinking people. But really, if you have to have alcohol on Sunday… buy it on Saturday. Then again, if you have to have alcohol… you might have a problem. Having said that… I doubt selling alcohol on Sunday will cause people to skip church so that they can go buy beer.
Here’s something to think about: How much would church attendance increase if there was a cash bar at the church? How about an open bar? Think about it… Jesus came not for the righteous, but for the sinners (or something like that). I think an open bar would help attract the sinners to church. I’m just saying…
It’s being reported that Andre Agassi admits in his upcoming autobiography that he used crystal meth in 1997. Well that feels like a kick to the gut to me… really like a kick below the gut if you know what I mean. Agassi, as you know, is my favorite tennis player. Always has been. I never thought of him as a role model, but still… meth? Say it ain’t so.
It seems some of you noticed I didn’t post on Sunday. I took a day off. I didn’t think anyone would notice. I was wrong. I would like to thank President Obama for sending me an email to make sure I was ok. Seems he’s a big fan of the blog. No, not really.
Cleveland Cavs fact of the day: The season got started tonight. I won’t spoil it by posting the score now… I’ll wait to post it until tomorrow.
Winthrop Eagles fact of the day: Winthropfans.com awards the De’Andre Adams Heart of the Game Award after each game to the Winthrop player who plays with the most heart in that game. The award is in honor of former Winthrop back-up PG De’Andre Adams who died in a car crash the May after his sophomore year. Dre was almost always the smallest guy on the court but he always played with the biggest heart.
Championship Morning Thoughts
2 hours ago
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