I’m back at work today. Still not feeling 100%, but I’m going to gut it out. My boss (who shares an office with me) is out sick today. Seems she has a bad cough and a fever. I told her it would be best if she stayed home... I don’t want to catch what she has. I hope she can take a joke while she’s sick.
Honestly, I wouldn’t be back at work today if my co-workers weren’t throwing a party for me (they call it a shower). What can I say; I’m a sucker for free stuff. It must be the liberal in me.
So I just read this story in the post and courier: Seems a man was driving on a rural road in McClellanville yesterday morning and hit a dog. The man then decided he would “put the dog out of its misery” by hitting it with a machete and a hammer. Hold on, this gets better... The owner hears the dog yelping, runs out of his house, grabs the machete and hammer and uses the hammer to beat the you-know-what out of the driver. The dog’s owner is now in jail accused of trying to kill the driver. I’m not ever sure where to start with this one. Ok, the driver hit the dog (it was an accident) and he saw that the dog was badly hurt. He thought the dog’s back was broken and he didn’t want to just leave him there to die. I’m with him so far. It wouldn’t be my first choice, but I see where he’s coming from. So, in an effort to put the dog out of his misery, he struck the dog SEVERAL TIMES with a machete and a hammer (and still didn’t kill the dog!). Now this is starting to sound like something out of a Monty Python movie. So the owner of the dog comes out and does what I think I would do... grabs the hammer and machete and starts swinging like there’s no tomorrow. To be honest, I think it was nice of him to just use the hammer. I would have probably gone with machete and hammer. Now the owner is in prison. I will, free of charge, let the authorities know how to deal with this. Let the man out of prison. Don’t charge the driver for doing what he did to the dog, and don’t charge the owner for doing what he did to the driver. Tell the men to say away from one another (which shouldn’t be hard) and move on. But Greg, you say, the driver ended up in the hospital! How is this fair? Well friends, I have a rule that I try to live by and maybe you should to... Never try to kill a dog with a hammer and a machete without being prepared for the owner of the dog to try and do the same thing to you.
The I’m Just Sayin... High School Football Game of the Week this week is James Island at Goose Creek. Coming off a disappointing (albeit expected) loss to Summerville last week, James Island is due for a big win and I think it will come tonight against the Gators of Goose Creek. This will not be easy, as Goose Creek is favored by 21 ½ points over the Trojans. Still, I feel the Trojans are due for a big win and something tells me tonight is the night.
The Cleveland Cavs fact of the day: The Cavs have a message board that seems to be tied in to all Cleveland sports teams.
The Winthrop Eagles fact of the day: The Eagles have an outstanding message board that was created by Eaglefan (who has the stunningly handsome, yet slightly overweight, Horrez help him moderate it). This site has been mentioned numerous times in the Rock Hill newspaper (The Herald) and was featured on CN2 (the Rock Hill TV station).
Championship Morning Thoughts
2 hours ago
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