As you are aware, it has taken less than a month for my blog to become very powerful. It was here that I talked about fighting in high school athletics and how the South Carolina High School League shouldn’t over-react to it. There had been talk after the Summerville/Stratford fight that both teams might be put on probation (which would keep both teams out of the playoffs) and have kids suspended for the rest of the season. I thought this would be excessive. I said that the players involved should be suspended for a game or two and everyone should move on. The SCHSL, for the most part, listened to me. They put both teams on double secret probation (i.e. gave them a warning) and suspended some of the players (I think the longest suspension is for 3 games). I thought that was as fair as you could expect from the SCHSL. It seems Summerville’s coach does not agree.
Listen, I know the great Coach McKissick has won more high school football games than I’ll ever watch. I’m sure he has earned the right to be wrong or live in whatever fantasy world he lives in. But I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when I read his reaction to the discipline handed down by the SCHSL. (NOTE: I’m not making this up... had I made it up, I would have been pretty close... but I’m not making this up):
“I though what the High School League did was unfair,” McKissick said. “The crime didn’t fit the punishment. It was just some pushing and shoving that lasted less than a minute after the game.”
I can only assume he said the first part with a straight face. Listen, I didn’t time the thing. Maybe he’s right. Maybe it did only last a minute. But to have him say that the punishment was unfair is just funny. Then again, maybe he is right. After all, if it had been West Ashley and Goose Creek players “pushing and shoving” for “less than a minute after the game” both of those teams probably would be on probation (the real kind... not the kind a Coach McKissick team gets). I looked to see if the Stratford coach had any reaction to the punishment. I have not been able to find anything. Maybe he wasn’t asked about it. Or maybe he didn’t want to give his real reaction (“Thank God it happened against Summerville, because if it had happened against anyone else we could kiss the playoffs goodbye!”). Come on Coach. Use it as a positive learning experience and move on.
Hey, remember years ago when Ken Griffey, Sr. and Ken Griffey, Jr. played in the major leagues together? Remember how everyone thought it was a big deal having a dad and son playing together? People in Summerville weren’t impressed. They had already seen that happen on their high school football team 3 different times. HA! I don’t care who you are, that’s funny. Ok, I’m done.
Championship Morning Thoughts
2 hours ago
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